Glad to see Bucci is still committed to Calgary post oil crash. It would be great to see Bridgeland's skyline extend east!
Similar but different enough from Dominion. If they went with a darker colour that would make a world of difference. Bucci & CKA did Radius, Dominion and now this, taking Bridgeland over one project at a time... lol
Similar but different enough from Dominion. If they went with a darker colour that would make a world of difference. Bucci & CKA did Radius, Dominion and now this, taking Bridgeland over one project at a time... lol
They also built Next which is just up the hill off Edmonton Trail. Looking back a bit further, they did Bella Citta/Bella Lusso.

With 4 buildings surrounding Murdoch Park, they definitely have their mark on this neighbourhood.
Similar but different enough from Dominion. If they went with a darker colour that would make a world of difference. Bucci & CKA did Radius, Dominion and now this, taking Bridgeland over one project at a time... lol
If VE'd like many fear, the aluminum panels will mostly likely be a different shade, so it all might work out ;)
Fingers crossed. When Dominion was first started it was at a time when the market seemed to be moving to rental and the y ay have kept the original condo proposed design, but with this being a whole new design, I'll be curious to see if they go with the same level of materials.
