Proposal for redevelopment of Mill Woods Town Centre
April 27, 2016
Residents are invited to an open house about a proposed redevelopment of the Mill Woods Town Centre. This involves an application to rezone the site and amend the Mill Woods Station Area Redevelopment Plan.
Date: Thursday, May 5, 2016
6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Mill Woods Senior and Multicultural Centre,
2nd Floor Mill Woods Library, 2610 Hewes Way N.W.
The proposal would allow for higher density residential and commercial mixed-use on the site near the future Mill Woods LRT Station.
The open house is an opportunity to learn more about the proposal and provide your feedback to the City and the applicant at this early stage in the review.
For more information:
Media contact:
Lisa Sobchyshyn
Communications Advisor
Development Services Branch
April 27, 2016
Residents are invited to an open house about a proposed redevelopment of the Mill Woods Town Centre. This involves an application to rezone the site and amend the Mill Woods Station Area Redevelopment Plan.
Date: Thursday, May 5, 2016
6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Mill Woods Senior and Multicultural Centre,
2nd Floor Mill Woods Library, 2610 Hewes Way N.W.
The proposal would allow for higher density residential and commercial mixed-use on the site near the future Mill Woods LRT Station.
The open house is an opportunity to learn more about the proposal and provide your feedback to the City and the applicant at this early stage in the review.
For more information:
Media contact:
Lisa Sobchyshyn
Communications Advisor
Development Services Branch