Soon to swallow up the last parcel of vacant land available in the downtown core, the proposed Times Square OKC mixed-use development will be a transformative project for Oklahoma City, part of the ongoing downtown revitalization efforts that have been more than 20 years in the making. Set to become the latest residential structure to be built in the core since 1967, Times Square OKC will fill a gap in the urban fabric of the city, bringing the first influx of high-density living to be built in the area in half a century. 

Times Square OKC, image via WDG Architecture

Designed by WDG Architecture for Land Run Commercial Real Estate, Times Square OKC will be comprised of a 17-storey residential tower grounded by 36,500 square feet of retail space and a seven-storey parking garage. The new development will occupy a triangular three-acre property that abuts an active rail corridor. The site is owned in part by the local Urban Renewal Authority, and the developers have been successful in making the case for total purchase and redevelopment, arguing that the proposed project is exactly the type of development needed downtown. 

Aerial view of the future build site, image via The Oklahoman

Future residents will be treated to a host of modern amenities, including an outdoor rooftop deck and pool, which will be augmented by the associated retail space. The tower's 327 residential units will range anywhere from 570 to 1,670 square feet. Projected to cost $100 million, Times Square OKC will be a welcome addition the Oklahoma City skyline, and the downtown cityscape will benefit from the injection of urban vibrancy that it will more than likely provide. 

SkyriseCities will be sure to return to this project as progress continues. For more information, check out the associated Database file and Forum thread, and as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below.