in.DE Dundas East & Jarvis Condominiums
in.DE Condos, 219 Dundas East, Toronto, Turner Fleischer Architects, Menkes
  20 renderings
Looking southwest across Dundas Street to in.DE Condos, designed by Turner Fleischer Architects for Menkes
in.DE is an artistic nod to Dundas East, neighbourhood that's at the cusp of a great revival. Minutes from Ryerson University, and a short walk from Dundas Square and all its sensory wonders, it's an exciting address that has a lot to offer. A magnet for those who are open to adventure, open to new experiences.

By Menkes, a mixed-use building at 219 Dundas Street East, with a 21 storey Turner Fleischer-designed tower containing 205 condominium units.

Address 219 Dundas Street East, Toronto, M5A 1Z7, Canada
Category Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status Complete
Number of Buildings 1
Height 215 ft / 65.53 m
Storeys 21
Number of Units 205

Landscape Architect o2 Planning and Design
Interior Designer Patton Design Studio
Planning Goldberg Group
Security Live Patrol Inc.

Buildings Discussion
Views: 56K  |  Replies: 178  |  Last Post: Dec 20, 2021

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