Its probably not the easiest project older buildings often are not, but it has a good layout and great location. So maybe that is what is needed, a company that has the motivation and ability to do a good job.
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The above article says that "CBRE has targeted six additional buildings that it believes could be turned into residential space" - beyond the Milner and the Enbridge conversion occurring down the street. Any intel on what those six are?
The above article says that "CBRE has targeted six additional buildings that it believes could be turned into residential space" - beyond the Milner and the Enbridge conversion occurring down the street. Any intel on what those six are?

My guesses

1. Milner
2. Phipps McK
3. 100ave/106st NWC tower
4. Sterling Place
5. Petwin Tower
6. 10005-106st
six additional buildings that it believes could be turned into residential space" - beyond the Milner and the Enbridge
This suggest that there are six buildings other than Milner and Enbridge -- Milner therefore does not qualify to be on your lists.
My guesses

1. Milner
2. Phipps McK
3. 100ave/106st NWC tower
4. Sterling Place
5. Petwin Tower
6. 10005-106st
I noticed the Budget Car location just north of #3 has recently closed. I wonder if that creates any opportunities to redevelop it. I feel if this were to be converted to residential something would have to be done on the north side.
Are you sure it's closed? I drove by it recently and their driveway was full of cars and people were inside the building
I walked by a day or two ago and read a printed sign on the window that said this location is closed, which presumably means what it says and there were no cars around any more. I assume it means permanently. There was also a for lease sign on the building recently which lead me to think this too.
Anyone hearing anything on this one or are they focussed on their BC project?
Still crickets on this one. I still think a thoughtful conversion into a 'madmen' era hip hotel (think hotel arts) would be ideal for the Downtown and area. Edmonton continues to lack some of those cool/hip accomm options.
I recall it being mentioned several times in the past there was a big shortage of hotel space downtown and there has only been a couple new ones built in the last decade.

You would think converting old office space to hotel space would be easier than to residential.

I'm not sure what the owners of some of these old vacant office buildings are thinking, that tenants for office space are going to magically pop up after years of it being empty so long and there still being a high office space vacancy. Having an empty building for years can't be good for cash flow either
Calgary has added about 10 new hotels in the last 10-15yrs... you would think Edmonton could add more than 1 or 2.
