Developer: Waterfront Toronto, CreateTO
Address: Villiers St, Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Market-Rate Rental), Commercial, Institutional, Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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The Destination Playgrounds are on several locations on the southwest edge of Villiers Island and are, as you said, currently unfunded but I hear that there are discussions happening with donors. 🤞
It will be interesting to see how the frozen sections of this area are used next winter for winter pastimes. (Pond plunging anyone?!) I know that some feel that moving water prevents the surface from being used I have been seeing lots of activity on the Humber.
Presser this morning from the Mayor and Ministers Surma and Erskine-Smith announcing roughly 1B that will go towards Quayside's build out, but also some $ for Villiers enabling infrastructure

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Presser this morning from the Mayor and Ministers Surma and Erskine-Smith announcing roughly 1B that will go towards Quayside's build out, but also some $ for Villiers enabling infrastructure

The official file -

Funding Direction from the file:
  • Ookwemin Minising enabling infrastructure;
  • Quayside enabling infrastructure;
  • The completion of Biidaasige Park (the northwest portion, which was previously referred to as Promontory Park North) and a program of early activation ('meanwhile uses') on adjacent future development lands;
  • A study of waterfront destinations and attractions; and
  • Funding envelopes to advance the Marine Use Strategy and wider waterfront initiatives.
The original timeline was for this to be completed by 2028, and the new recommended timeline is 2035, and they may potentially move it to beyond 2040. That is not too surprising, as Villiers Island is set to be completed on 2040.

Also - LRT funding is going to be part of a future discussion, and there will be buses while they are figuring that out.

I'd be old by then, but hopefully alive and in good health to experience what this area has to offer when it is completed.
Last edited: feels like they want to put tail in first and wait around to decide if they need the rest of the dog. /sigh
Maybe they are waiting for someone to say this is too expensive & disruptive, put the moving sidewalk in the Bay tunnel.
It would need to be a last minute decision.
Are we there yet?
Transit First!

Oh, actually, our priority is making sure everyone moving in there feels like they need a car to get around.
Really disappointing that LRT isnt a part of the funding feels like they want to put tail in first and wait around to decide if they need the rest of the dog. /sigh
Maybe they are waiting for someone to say this is too expensive & disruptive, put the moving sidewalk in the Bay tunnel.
It would need to be a last minute decision.
Are we there yet?
Well I am not trying defend them but they probably....

a) Ran out of budget in this planning session and has to pick what can be included, and realize LRT is a significant cost.
b) Think they have time some time before the roads, attractions, and condos are built.

My guess is that it is either just Quayside + transit without 3C and Killiers Island, or no transit and everything else come first.

Just a guess, but I think it probably makes more operational sense to do the roads first at least while they secure more fundings from other departments.
Here's a question, given the condo market is what it is, won't that likely interfere with the timelines being discussed here ? I understand there will be some rentals and affordable units but that would be a long side market rate condos ?
Here's a question, given the condo market is what it is, won't that likely interfere with the timelines being discussed here ? I understand there will be some rentals and affordable units but that would be a long side market rate condos ?

The biggest impediment at the moment appears to be the gas plant.

15-20 years before we see anyone living there. They have been redeveloping the waterfront for 50 years. Great concept and love the community look, but until it is built, hard to believe it is not a pipe dream.
