Developer: Waterfront Toronto, CreateTO
Address: Villiers St, Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Market-Rate Rental), Commercial, Institutional, Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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The biggest impediment at the moment appears to be the gas plant.

Maybe they can put the Hearn stack back to good use. :)

I wonder what the dispersion rate is at the Sugar Wharf condos 250m away from the Red Path point source? The LCBO building had some design considerations to help reduce the issue.
They probably couldn’t get a new sugar plant approved there today but it seems easier to get approval to build if you’re not the generator of emissions.
Picture from tonight. How timely.
Backing up here for a moment, I get the change of the thread title from Lower Don Lands Redevelopment Thingy to what it is now, but it feels like 75% of the thread went missing in action. What going on here @Paclo and @interchange42?

Edit/Update: it is!

A thread has been split off specifically for Ookwemin Minising now, or Villiers Island for the incorrigibles, of about 200 posts from this thread, starting from when the name was announced in November.

...never mind then. I'll go back to bed! >.<
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Little update: The Promenade on the south side of Commissioners now has pedestrian lights the full length as well as the start of paving stones! Also the wooden poles are having electrical outlets installed for art/lighting/banners. The fire station is getting the first serious attention that I have seen and the playground equipment looks complete. Finally the northern section of The Crane has indeed been painted and looks great! And are these bikes new at this location? Taken 24 February.


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The jellyfish / water quality update is great news. I am trying to put that into the context of recent data that our rivers/streams have increasing and essentially toxic levels of road salt run-off getting into them.
The jellyfish / water quality update is great news. I am trying to put that into the context of recent data that our rivers/streams have increasing and essentially toxic levels of road salt run-off getting into them.
Salt is definitely a problem, but Southern Ontario's rivers, especially the Don, have been getting much cleaner over the last few decades.
that is your right, but you might want to explain why keeping a historic artefact is dumb or what you would have put in its place.
Wow didn't know its history... pretty cool. Snippet from Google:

"The Atlas Crane is a 300-ton crane in Toronto's Port Lands that is a designated heritage structure. It was installed in 1961 to load and unload ships at the Marine Terminal 35. The crane is being restored and incorporated into a new park in the Port Lands"
I also don't think it looks that nice... it makes sense now.

I also think the Cube House ( on Eastern Street should be moved to the park as a restored heritage piece, and we should revive 1 Sumach (
that is your right, but you might want to explain why keeping a historic artefact is dumb or what you would have put in its place.
...I mean, you could turn it into a very large kiddie swing. <3
