Architect: Wallman Architects
Address: 365 Church Street, Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2017
Height: 335 ft / 102.10 mStoreys: 31 storeys
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Anyone know the as-of-right density on the site? Anything much over 20 storeys would seem out of place for the area, unless the city has a different vision for Church.

I think its zoned for 3.0 times density right now. Not that that would hold for any new development on the site anyways. I think somewhere between 20 and 30 stories would be appropriate, there's enough high rises in the are and its well south of the village so I don't think height should be a huge concern here.
This site was touched on by the City Planner, Willie Macrae at the meeting re: the proposed condo development on Church St between Dundonald & Gloucester, but he didn't give many details. I can't see much opposition to this.
As UD states I think this is an ideal area for intensification, nothing much more than 30 stories though.
Oooh - this is great news. I walk by here regularly, and I have to say that between Maple Leaf Gardens and Ryerson, Church is one tatty stretch of street.
I hope that whatever goes in here is, first of all, not too high. Ten, fifteen storeys? Second, I hope that whatever retail there will be at the base will be lofty, impressive and lovely to behold. The Church Street village and area desperately need some fresh new spaces.
I would think that something that's a similar height to Neil Wycik would be appropriate. I would like to see something with a similar floorplate to Spire on this location, only a bit shorter.

Given it's close proximity to Ryerson, I would guess that some of the units will be rented out to students (although admittedly, those with some money, like those currently living in the Jazz).
Good.. I'm glad the stretch of Church just down from MLG is actually getting something..
It deserves some development and beautification.
Does anyone know what occupied that site? You can see the remains of a structure on neighboring buildings.

I believe it was a early c20 big brick warehouse of some sort--bit the dust around the mid-90s (I last remember it housing the federal campaign office for Jack Layton in 1993)
Menkes pays 8.8 million dollars to purchase this land...i doubt it would be feasible to build anything under 20 storeys, i think we are going to see a proposal of something around 28-32 storeys.
Well, if it were about density rather than raw height, one can manage 28-32 storeys worth within 20 storeys--esp. if we learn from 70s low-rise/high-density philosophy...
Automation Gallery is probably right. 28 storey point tower on a four storey podium? Who wants to take bets here?
Should easily be a three to 400,000 square foot building. I would say the a point tower would have to be around 40 storeys
Should easily be a three to 400,000 square foot building. I would say the a point tower would have to be around 40 storeys

40 storeys? Don't drop numbers like that or you'll start to get all of the size queens excited.

This is Church street, after all.
There aren't 40 storeys worth of residents crazy enough to buy at that corner, especially at today's psf downtown average that these units will likely be marketed at.
