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I've always voted Liberal but not sure who to vote this time around. Wynne's budget was too progressive for my taste and the Liberals' fiscal policies are too left (i.e. creating even more government with the new pension plan) The wedge issue should have been on transit, if she had a credible financing plan (and not simply increasing income taxes) she would have probably gotten my vote - i.e. road tolls, HST, gas tax etc.

Since Tim Hudak seems to be another Harris 2.0, there's not much choices left...maybe I'll take a look at the Greens.

Result will probably be another minority government...If we get a PC minority hope the Liberals will be more centre and stop trying to be a NDP-lite party.
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All the cuts Hudak will make to transporation funding, especially transit funding, will be better for Ontario's economic growth and activity too. We must vote Conservative for the sake of Ontario's economy.
The only thing the PC's have to worry about now is Hudak speaking in public.

It didn't take long. Watch this video. Tim looks like a deer caught in the headlights.

Tim Hudak kicks off campaign with awkward photo-op.

Global news has posted a video of Ontario PC leader, Tim Hudak’s campaign kick-off which took place at the legendary Metalworks Studios in Mississauga, Ontario. The irony was not lost on the reporters, who recalled his voting against the $45 million Ontario Music Fund in last years 2013 budget, describing it as “corporate welfare.â€

In the video, Hudak repeatedly dodges the question, eventually giving up and awkwardly walking away from the event.
^The benefit if Wynne wins is that Hudak might step down because he is clearly such a bad leader. I just think the Province can't wait even one more year for the Liberal government to stop blowing our brains out with bad fiscal policy. In my ideal world the Liberal party would have a fiscally responsible core while still caring about good government. But whatever part of that core may have existed has been totally jettisoned and good government now means government intervention in everything for the express benefit of public sector employment and employees. The PC party is complicit in this situation because they have adopted blow your brains out stupid tea party positions instead of moving into the centre of the spectrum vacated by the Liberals. I would even vote NDP ahead of the Liberals now.
Election ad regarding Eglinton Crosstown

Well this election really can't help the NDP much considering they provoked it in the first place by voting down a budget tailored to them and in doing so angered their base.

That ad is also pure codswallop.
The NDP are infuriating me so far this election.

I think Andrea Horwath is way more clever than people give her credit for. An election is made to be won, not to just to participate. Horwath understood that and yes she will make some of the NDP base angry but she'll get a better chance at winning instead of keeping the status quo, who got her nowhere.

The whole "budget blackmail" was a brilliant strategy. By forcing the Liberals to go out of their way to please the NDP, they lost their focus. They became unrecognisable, hence unpredictable and add 11 years of scandals, wasting, mismanagement, Wynne not being Dalton and a total lack of integrity into the mix. Even the National Post said that Wynne's budget made Bob Rae looks like a fiscal conservative. That budget was so far left that the Liberal became in the population's and media's eyes another leftist/borderline socialist party. Horwath turning it down was a shocker but she made a point. The NDP can be a "reasonable" leftist party too...just like Mulcair is trying to sell at the federal level.

The strategy is to take over the Liberal vote and hope to marginalize them. The NDP took a centre party (the Liberals) and brought them down to their level (the left) by misleading them into believing that they would get the NDP support if the budget included everything Horwath wanted, then she turned around and said that the Liberals had no moral authority to lead Ontario...back stabbing them in cold blood...Simply Brilliant.

With the Liberals plagued with 11 years of scandals and economic policies that has been nothing short but a disaster, which left party seems more attractive now to those on the centre-left spectrum who will never vote Hudak?
The devil you know (the liberals) who you really don't know afterall due to their track record, scandals, flip flops and lack of integrity who happens to have taken a radical shift to the left?

Or the NDP? Well, now that you think about it, they don't look so different from the Liberals minus the scandals...

The road to power for the NDP starts by turning disappointed Liberals who doesn't recognize their party anymore into NDP support who would be willing to give Horwath a try and that includes the "anything but Hudak" crowd. The real ugly battle will be between Horwath and Wynne which has already started. Wynne's recent ad is attacking exclusively Horwath. The Liberal strategists knows this is where it could hurt them the most.

As for Hudak, it's really his election to lose. Like the National Post said that he should stop the Unions rethoric, stop trying to be Harris 2.0 and just attack the Liberals on their track record and talk about being able to buy alcohol in convenience stores.
I think Andrea Horwath is way more clever than people give her credit for. An election is made to be won, not to just to participate. Horwath understood that and yes she will make some of the NDP base angry but she'll get a better chance at winning instead of keeping the status quo, who got her nowhere.

The whole "budget blackmail" was a brilliant strategy. By forcing the Liberals to go out of their way to please the NDP, they lost their focus. They became unrecognisable, hence unpredictable and add 11 years of scandals, wasting, mismanagement, Wynne not being Dalton and a total lack of integrity into the mix. Even the National Post said that Wynne's budget made Bob Rae looks like a fiscal conservative. That budget was so far left that the Liberal became in the population's and media's eyes another leftist/borderline socialist party. Horwath turning it down was a shocker but she made a point. The NDP can be a "reasonable" leftist party too...just like Mulcair is trying to sell at the federal level.

The strategy is to take over the Liberal vote and hope to marginalize them. The NDP took a centre party (the Liberals) and brought them down to their level (the left) by misleading them into believing that they would get the NDP support if the budget included everything Horwath wanted, then she turned around and said that the Liberals had no moral authority to lead Ontario...back stabbing them in cold blood...Simply Brilliant.

With the Liberals plagued with 11 years of scandals and economic policies that has been nothing short but a disaster, which left party seems more attractive now to those on the centre-left spectrum who will never vote Hudak?
The devil you know (the liberals) who you really don't know afterall due to their track record, scandals, flip flops and lack of integrity who happens to have taken a radical shift to the left?

Or the NDP? Well, now that you think about it, they don't look so different from the Liberals minus the scandals...

The road to power for the NDP starts by turning disappointed Liberals who doesn't recognize their party anymore into NDP support who would be willing to give Horwath a try and that includes the "anything but Hudak" crowd. The real ugly battle will be between Horwath and Wynne which has already started. Wynne's recent ad is attacking exclusively Horwath. The Liberal strategists knows this is where it could hurt them the most.

As for Hudak, it's really his election to lose. Like the National Post said that he should stop the Unions rethoric, stop trying to be Harris 2.0 and just attack the Liberals on their track record and talk about being able to buy alcohol in convenience stores.

The Liberals who were already mad with the gas plant scandals have already left for the NDP. The other liberals are extremely hardcore almost like Ford supporters, they aren't going anywhere. The NDP call for an election causes those liberals who left to question why did they leave and what is their play now. I think its more likely they come back to being liberal then to go to the PCs. Its easier to vote for someone you dislike but who has your core values in mind then it is to vote for someone you dislike and has opposing values just to make a point.
The Liberals who were already mad with the gas plant scandals have already left for the NDP. The other liberals are extremely hardcore almost like Ford supporters, they aren't going anywhere. The NDP call for an election causes those liberals who left to question why did they leave and what is their play now. I think its more likely they come back to being liberal then to go to the PCs. Its easier to vote for someone you dislike but who has your core values in mind then it is to vote for someone you dislike and has opposing values just to make a point.

This statement is very true. Many Liberals supporters are equally illogical and hardcore to the Ford supporters. The only chance Ford has is if the illogical Liberal vote supports Wynne and that riles up the illogical Ford supporters.
