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Oct 19, 2023
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Some info on land assembly and potential development site near Bloor and Keele, next to High Park from Elysium


Pretty large site. Looks like it will be a 2 tower, purpose built rental proposal
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Excellent work at @1Ć0 !

Let me see what I can add:

Aerial View:




All the residential lowrise in this shot through to the extant apartment:


Mountainview side:


Estimated Unit Count: 2,200

Immediate height precedent ~16s to the north; area precedent (approval) 35s.

If we went with 35s, and a hypothetical 1,100 units per building...........that would be, assuming 34 tenanted floors we would get 32 units a floor. That sounds far too high for a conventional floor plate.

At a 750m2 floor plate that would be 22m2 or just over 200ft2 per unit.

So that leads to a conclusion that this proposal either squeezes in a third tower, or we're looking at two, old-school N-S slab towers, with oversized floor plates.

Of course, they could just ask for 70s, LOL....................

We'll just have to wait and see, when @sayfelysium decides to make the proposal fully public.


Let me put in for a novel community benefit here.............I don't think @sayfelysium would want to eat the entire cost, but I could see them getting the ball rolling and contributing.

This project abuts the subway tunnel just to the south........and well..........Keele Station just to the east. But access to Keele is terrible from here.

You can see Keele Station from Mountainview:




This is the Keele frontage:


What about a new entrance to Keele Station, both at-grade on the west side of Keele, but also up top, on Mountainview, with direct access to each platform.

I don't know the details of how the TTC's structure is set up there, so any cost estimate would be quite crude, but I think a stairs only concept (ramps from Mountainview if needed) could probably be delivered for under 15M.

If you want elevators.........add at least another 6M, if not more.

But I like the idea that this could really augment the value to this assembly and the extant apartments and probably set up redevelopment on the balance of the area streets where SFH still prevails.

If elevators were delivered, you place them outside the fare-paid zone so that they can be used by area residents to access Keele Street fare-free.
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This was posted a while ago on LinkedIn and I didn't think much of it till now..... Per the pressor, they paid 89M. If the attached is accurate, 602K Sqft of GFA is roughly $150 p/f for un-zoned land high park?
View attachment 596840
I'd pay good money to see the proforma. Are they getting 800m plates? Would be nice to see a configuration like this on Bloor.
This was posted a while ago on LinkedIn and I didn't think much of it till now..... Per the pressor, they paid 89M. If the attached is accurate, 602K Sqft of GFA is roughly $150 p/f for un-zoned land high park?
View attachment 596840

Excellent contribution, TY.

Let me low that up so its a bit more readable for folks:


I'd pay good money to see the proforma. Are they getting 800m plates?

Quick math, if you divive the Total Floor area by the total storey count, yes you get floor plates over the 800m2 mark.


The 43s and the floor plates are aggressive 'asks' here. I look forward to seeing the pitch.


Interesting, this is not the way I would have massed this.
Some info on land assembly and potential development site near Bloor and Keele, next to High Park from Elysium

View attachment 596728

Pretty large site. Looks like it will be a 2 tower, purpose built rental proposal
why do you think it will be purpose built rental?
It's PBR. Sweeny were one of the due diligence architects, alongside Studio JCI. The concept plans posted here to-date have evolved quite a bit.
I can assure you this wasn't bought at $150psf, although the structure could hypothetically absorb that.
