Developer: Pritzker Realty Group
Architect: Pei Cobb Freed & Partners, Cambridge Seven Associates
Address: 30 Dalton Street, Boston, United States
Category: Residential (Market-Rate Rental)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 285 ft / 86.86 mStoreys: 26 storeys
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It looks very similar to The Bow tower in Calgary, Alberta. Albeit, it has a much lighter shade of cladding on it.
This is very, very close to complete! It represents the first of a pair of towers being erected by Pritzker (the other being the 755' Four Seasons Tower at 1 Dalton).

Here are some renderings (via Pei Cobb Freed):



And here's some photos, now that it's finishing up:

Eagerly awaiting its neighbor...
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