Developer: Trans National Properties
Architect: CBT Architects
Address: 111 Federal Street, Boston, United States
Category: Residential (Hotel), Commercial (Office)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 740 ft / 225.54 mStoreys: ? storeys
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The Boston Redevelopment Authority has put out an RFP on the site (currently a city-owned garage) that is underway. The RFP closes on April 21st.

An earlier request of interest netted some great proposals, many of which will likely re-submit for the RFP:

Accordia Partners:

Transnational Group:


Among others!

I will update when the RFP closes on the 21st.
We have a contest.

With the submission deadline passing at noon today, there are 6 entries from the Boston Redevelopment Authority's RFP for this site:

Accordia Partners/SHoP:

TransNational Group/CBT:

Millennium Partners/Handel:

Trinity/The Architectural Team:

HYM/Elkus Manfredi:

LendLease/Graziani & Corazza

A final decision will be made in the coming months.
All entries top off between 725 and 750 feet, or 221 and 229 meters.
