Summary by Perks:

TE9.4: 2760 Dundas Street West - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report.

The Rezoning Application proposes a new 6 storey mixed-use building at 2760 Dundas Street West (formerly The Peacock Hotel) with 28 dwelling units and 114 square metres of commercial space at grade.

This Staff Report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Zoning By-law based on the following Planning decision: the mixed-use building is an appropriate scale for the site, fits within the existing and planned context and is an example of high quality design that will set a positive precedent for future development in the area.

The Staff Report is available to review at:

Further, information submitted to the City by the applicant is available for your review under on the City's Application Information Centre at: .

Following a review of the staff report and two community meetings, I will be recommending approval of the staff report.
" ... Staff worked with the applicant and the community to ensure the proposal will fit within the Junction neighbourhood and to mitigate impact on the neighbourhoods to the north. Finally, the proposal provides another example of high quality design and sets a strong precedent for infill development along the Dundas Street West Corridor. Staff recommend that Council approve the application."
