Midtown Urbanist
Couldn't see a thread for this one.
The proposed development consists of twelve blocks of stacked townhouses with underground parking, a new street network consisting of the extension of a public road (Twelfth Street) and a new private driveway, as well as a new public park. The redevelopment proposes a total of 226 stacked townhouse units arranged in twelve blocks, which frame the public and private street network, as well as the outdoor amenity area, with good proportion. The proposed outdoor amenity area, approximately 835 square metres in size, is central to the subject site, and will be located between blocks 7 to 12. The blocks fronting on Birmingham Street (blocks 6, 7 and 12) are setback 2.3 metres from the northerly property line. These units will have direct access to the public sidewalk and will create an animated and lively streetscape along this portion of Birmingham Street.

Application Information Centre
Search for details about current planning applications and Minor variance and Consent applications. Application Information Centre For best results, please use the latest version of Microsoft IE/Edge, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. As of July 30th, the Application Information Centre has...

The proposed development consists of twelve blocks of stacked townhouses with underground parking, a new street network consisting of the extension of a public road (Twelfth Street) and a new private driveway, as well as a new public park. The redevelopment proposes a total of 226 stacked townhouse units arranged in twelve blocks, which frame the public and private street network, as well as the outdoor amenity area, with good proportion. The proposed outdoor amenity area, approximately 835 square metres in size, is central to the subject site, and will be located between blocks 7 to 12. The blocks fronting on Birmingham Street (blocks 6, 7 and 12) are setback 2.3 metres from the northerly property line. These units will have direct access to the public sidewalk and will create an animated and lively streetscape along this portion of Birmingham Street.