Developer: Cadillac Fairview
Architect: Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates
Address: 21 Don Valley Pkwy, Toronto, Canada
Category: Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 717 ft / 218.55 mStoreys: 44 storeys
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This one is an office building, 1.2M ft2, 49s




From the above, some of the materials: (legend below)



Site Plan for this portion of the site:


Building Stats:


From the Cover Letter:







Landscape Plan:


Notes on the above:

Soil Volume per tree is decent at 38m3

Silva Cells to be used for all trees in hardscape envrionments

Mix of native and non-native plants

Principal paving material is unit pavers made of a variety of materials

@interchange42 we now have a block level, building 1B here, just noting that in case you want to start hiving off threads.
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The copper accents are a welcome touch.

This 49 storey office tower has a height of 218.55 metres, taller than anything in the project database or the page header... @ 214.2m.
i would not want to work here. you're hemmed in by highways, stroads and car dealerships/empty lots. nothing is within close walking distance
...Block-1 sites are always like that until the rest of the Blocks are filled-in.

The local access will change with the addition of the Station and the Broadview Streetcar extension.
I mean, Cad Fairview did the 879k of space in 16 York on spec, so it's not unheard of for them. That said, different tenant market, different office sub-market, WFH/Covid not yet a thing...different days.
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1.2Mft2, on Spec? in Toronto?

Perhaps not on spec, but I could see them taking a non-trivial loss on the first building (on the first round of leases, under NDA of course). They have a 2 billion dollar incentive to have a structuer and customers in place very quickly after East Harbour GO station opens. If the area looks like a dud, potential customers might look at alternative locations (various Oxford proposals for example) instead of taking a risk that they can keep employees at a location which doesn't have much and is a construction zone.

Their weapon is excitement over what the area could be rather than what it is, and that only works for a little while.
Perhaps not on spec, but I could see them taking a non-trivial loss on the first building (on the first round of leases, under NDA of course). They have a 2 billion dollar incentive to have a structuer and customers in place very quickly after East Harbour GO station opens. If the area looks like a dud, potential customers might look at alternative locations (various Oxford proposals for example) instead of taking a risk that they can keep employees at a location which doesn't have much and is a construction zone.

Their weapon is excitement over what the area could be rather than what it is, and that only works for a little while.
the amount of upfront capital required on this site just to get it ready for development is insane - not only the insane initial purchase price of $690 million, but the hundreds of millions of initial capital needed for remediation, new roads, the transit station, etc. - there is no way CF turns a profit on their first building, it will simply stem the bleeding coming out of this site right now with its massive mortgage and the financing of upfront infrastructure costs.
Perhaps not on spec, but I could see them taking a non-trivial loss on the first building (on the first round of leases, under NDA of course). They have a 2 billion dollar incentive to have a structuer and customers in place very quickly after East Harbour GO station opens. If the area looks like a dud, potential customers might look at alternative locations (various Oxford proposals for example) instead of taking a risk that they can keep employees at a location which doesn't have much and is a construction zone.

Their weapon is excitement over what the area could be rather than what it is, and that only works for a little while.
Can't really seeing the area becoming a dud - that's what it is already - a huge chunk of land largely sitting fallow. It's so close to the core, it should be a no-brainer to make this a vital part of the city.
