
Staff member
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Sep 24, 2015
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Formerly known as Kings on 4th.

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Original Renderings from earlier design.

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Wow for real? I thought this one was sure to be dead. I'm not crazy about the tallest tower segment, the curvature and protrusions just don't do it for me, but the lower blocky post-modern stuff is pretty grabbing. An overall rework probably couldn't hurt.
Lacaille still owns the land and wants to develop it, but I have a feeling it'll be a long time until something happens with it. I had heard that they were going to develop the Oxford property at 16th and 8th street first before this one. That one is also idle. Who knows though...things change.
Hi Group,

I Guess I'm like a few Others on this Group. I have known about this project Off and On over the Years. Mostly via Articles in the Calgary Herald and having been to Their Offices when I was Working Courier DT and Beltline/Mission. I could B Dead Wrong but its my Views They would really like to get this Project going as IT would add a LOT of Prestige to Their Reputation Both on the so called what - Local Level and Regionally. Lacaille is Now a First Rate Company to do Business with. Lets B Honest - They have come a long way from just being a Resturant years ago. Gone are the Days when I just Dropped Off Reservations to their Resturant. Go Lacaille - Get Your Project Off and Running. All the Best,

I think its still a great site for a tall 200m+ hotel/residential tower, obviously the market has to be there but it still has the potential to go ahead a lot sooner than waiting for a mixed use tower with an office component. So whoever picks it up, I hope the keep the scale big.
