Neat little project, nice to see the continued push of residential towards Chinook.
Sort of surprised there hasn't been more high rise action there, but I suppose there's been a lot of other competing areas.
Two things that would really accelerate development here IMO would be a proper grocery store for the area, and a commuter rail stop.
Something like the superstore block in East Village on the near empty block with the Scotia two blocks south of here would be ideal.
And while I don't think there should be too many commuter rail stations within city limits, having one at Chinook would really help sell the TOD.
Near direct freeway access, proximity to shopping, amenities, the reservoir and its parks, all make it a great place to throw up some high rises with mountain views.
But knowing you could also just hop on a train direct to Banff from your home neighborhood would really make it a slam dunk!