
Staff member
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Sep 24, 2015
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Still some more info to get for this one, but the Development permit has been approved, and they have submitted an application for a building permit. 4 towers totalling 874 residential units.

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This is that gigantic lot across from Humpty's and Erlton Station at 25th SW and MacLeod eh? I wasn't sure if it was going to live. It seemed like the preliminary fencing and hording went up in a hurry then the whole thing went deadly quiet. I'm pretty excited for it, for the most part, but I noticed something potentially horrifying in the bottom rendering.


This litte scrap of road seems to show MacLeod Trail choked to two lanes. I almost vomited. The street scape in render 3 looks nice, but if that's supposed to be MacLeod, they'd better keep dreaming. So, hopefully this was just something from the concept phase and the actual design doesn't involve snarling one of the most critical arteries into downtown.


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Not sure why they show Macleod down to two lanes, but I guess with artists renditions, they get to be artistic ;)

I have a feeling this one might site for a while. This and some of the other building permits that came in last month are probably projects getting in before the November 1 building code changes.

I going to dig into this one and get some more info. I looked at the permit once a couple of years ago, and can't find the info that I got from it.
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Hi Group,

Not Sure but I read in the Calgary Herald that the Site had Changed with now only 3 Towers plus a Sobey's Store going In. Not sure about Heights Off Hand.. Does Lindsay Park Sports Place have a New Name Yet? To Me it was always Lindsay Park based on my Work Experience in the Areas, My Dispatcher Always Knew where I was when I
going to Lindsay Park, City Yard, Earlton East, South Stamped etc..Never used Street Names, Always ran by Locations.

Hi Again,
That Name used as "Crosstown". Where does It come from? 25th Ave crosses Mclead Tr. West Side is Known or was Known as Eralton as I knew it. That West Areas has all the Town Houses Complexes in behind Lindsay Park West & South.That was the Area that had the Massive Fire when a Bldg Under Construction caught Fire and was destr0yed and Several Others Badly Damaged a bit Over 10 Yrs ago Remember it well.

We haven't seen these rendering yet. Could indicate more movement on this project?




Thanks for posting!

Do you know what the final plan is for the Erlton C-train station? I think there was a proposal to elevate it and/or move it...IIRC.
The towers are a total bore, but otherwise looks like a decent project.
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The towers, the podiums and, everything else are a bore. It's fine for where it is proposed. Damn flood plains. Has it ever been considered to raise the sidewalks as well to the height of the retail?
Anthem is finishing up Waterfront with the Parkside phase nearing completion, they are done digging and starting to work on the underground for their Memorial Drive project in Hillhurst. So perhaps for a project of this scope the timing is lining up to get it going around the time the Hillhurst project finishes up or just before?
