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Feb 15, 2017
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Looks like Trico is moving forward with this. There will be 5 buildings in total with the first 3 buildings completed by summer of 2021. These will be purpose rental and the project is named Kingsland, for now.
Driving past this location I noticed construction is well underway now. Perhaps we should have project thread for this. The official project name is Kingsland Junction.
Thread for Trico's Kingsland Junction project that is already under construction.

Rendering of site from Trico brochure_Photo_1_medium.jpg

Render 5.2 - Full Site - Northeast View.jpg

Render 5.0 - Southeast View Site.jpg

Render 1.0 - Building 1 - Northeast View.jpg
Render 2.1 - Building 2 - South East View.jpg
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Having a tough time understanding how the buildings are oriented. Is the surface parking facing Macleod Trail? The signage is for Retail that has surface parking? Happy something of any intensity is going there, it is just so hard to interface with Macleod in any meaningful way.

I really hate that the City is focusing on Macleod Trail as a Main Street it is an absolute lost cause. Elbow Drive and Fairmount/Bonaventure Drive should be Main Streets instead, both would be far better options. They are well-served/well-connected to transit, the blocks are almost all oriented correctly and they run through established neighbourhoods that are desirable and could really improve them in a meaningful way. Mixed-use low-rise apartments and townhomes, even street-fronting one or two storey retail on these streets would shape the neighbourhoods to be complete communities in an area of the city that doesn't have any functioning Main Streets. The City needs to rethink what constitutes a main street in established neighbourhoods of the south, and Macleod sure as shit isn't it. I would love to come in with (1) a four-storey apartment with retail at grade; or (2) a large land assembly townhouse development; on Elbow Drive, Fairmount or Acadia Drive, I really wonder how it would be received.
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I really hate that the City is focusing on Macleod Trail as a Main Street

Is the city actually pushing this or is it more the fact that Macleod is low hanging fruit for developers. I imagine the regulatory and NIMBY barriers to developing along Macleod are far fewer than the barriers to developing along Elbow, Fairmount, etc.
Is the city actually pushing this or is it more the fact that Macleod is low hanging fruit for developers. I imagine the regulatory and NIMBY barriers to developing along Macleod are far fewer than the barriers to developing along Elbow, Fairmount, etc.
Would not be surprised if the city encouraged it as a TOD. It's not far from Heritage LRT station. There will be another similar development going in on the SW corner of Heritage & Macleod, by Strategic Group. It must also be about availability of land. There are still some under utilized properties along Macleod, particularly north of Chinook Mall.
Honestly this looks like some suburban junk IMO. Just goes to show you can have as equally mediocre density with a mid-rise like this and highrise like the Hub on Banff trail. Looks like 0 effort was put into it to help integrate the condos into the area. Surface parking lots on newer developments in older communities is such a buzzkill, at least hide it in the back or build a small above ground parkade and use the rest of the land for something like landscaping or a small park.
Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done. A really nice architectural building would be wasted in that location. Save the nice ones for Inglewood, Kensington, etc
It's kind of a shame we lost the farmer's market for this. I wonder what's the least depressing/dangerous way to walk to the LRT station. I assume going through the Kingsland park, but Google recommends coming out of this rat hole on Macleod and walking along the world's narrowest sidewalk with 80 km/h traffic speeding by.
It's kind of a shame we lost the farmer's market for this. I wonder what's the least depressing/dangerous way to walk to the LRT station. I assume going through the Kingsland park, but Google recommends coming out of this rat hole on Macleod and walking along the world's narrowest sidewalk with 80 km/h traffic speeding by.

Its is not an official pathway, but I could see most people doing something like this to access Heritage station. It involves jaywalking at the Heritage Dr crossing, but that has never stopped anyone at other stops. That rat hole/narrow sidewalk option almost looks more dangerous than jaywalking. Especially come winter time.
MacLeod trail is a write off IMO. I don't think anything can be done with it. I'm with you on Elbow Drive, Fairmount, etc.. Best chance to have some decent corridors are those ones.
Nothing short of a massive and expensive overhaul can fix Macleod Trail. At this point we can build up areas around the train stations, but it's a write off from an urban corridor point of view. Fairmont and Elbow aren't much better, though Elbow has limited potential.

A good way to salvage the bad situation around Chinook would be to have a really good cyclist/pedestrian way that somehow stretched from the mall to Heritage station along a string of mixed use developments.
