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Jul 6, 2016
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A thread for this new one, as JEMM has a project website for it here:

They are looking to do an ARP amendment to increase the density and height permitted.
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You can almost tell reading through that website that they're expecting opposition to this... They're arguing pretty hard for the density boost. Hopefully they get it!

I can almost guarantee that this will get appealed or even go to court though, those Kensington NIMBY'S are on another level.
A dogs breakfast of design trends, but the density is exactly right. I'll support it purely because the area will greatly benefit from having this built, and the NIMBY's will give it enough opposition.

However, it doesn't excuse that this is really clumsy. There's nothing inherently wrong with using trendy design elements, but they have to be thoughtful, purposeful, and well executed - this design is none of those things.

Oh wow the Sunnyside CA is about to poop their collective pants. I love it. Jemm is smokin!

This would make it the tallest building Kensington too, not bad.
Oh wow the Sunnyside CA is about to poop their collective pants. I love it. Jemm is smokin!

This would make it the tallest building Kensington too, not bad.

I honestly don’t see big opposition to this one … Russell RED, Lifesport, and Hive (DP version 1) were all appealed and defeated at SDAB by direct or across-alley neighbours with pretty specific concerns. This one has no real neighbours except Annex, which isn’t losing any views. I can see some general grumbling about height but I don’t foresee a “RNDSQR vs Inglewood” style grudge match.
High rez versions of the renders…. I like it even more now.


High rez versions of the renders…. I like it even more now.


I actually like it. The podium looks really nice, balcony designs are cool and a good colour. The height is acceptable IMO in this location and i hope the rendered planters stay in the design. Only thing I don't like is the pixelated panels up top, i think if they went with a single colour (i prefer the lighter one) it would show some needed design restraint and would be more sophisticated building overall.
I honestly don’t see big opposition to this one … Russell RED, Lifesport, and Hive (DP version 1) were all appealed and defeated at SDAB by direct or across-alley neighbours with pretty specific concerns. This one has no real neighbours except Annex, which isn’t losing any views. I can see some general grumbling about height but I don’t foresee a “RNDSQR vs Inglewood” style grudge match.
It's Sunnyside, they oppose anything that's not SFH. That one lady that appeals everything on 9A street lives like a block down, she probably has her lawyers drafting some sort of legal action against it. The fact that this appears to be the same height as the other new buildings surrounding it doesn't matter to these people lol.
It's Sunnyside, they oppose anything that's not SFH. That one lady that appeals everything on 9A street lives like a block down, she probably has her lawyers drafting some sort of legal action against it. The fact that this appears to be the same height as the other new buildings surrounding it doesn't matter to these people lol.

I agree that there could be an appeal - all it takes is one person with $200 and a grudge - but I don’t see coordinated, politicized action like there was in Inglewood.
I honestly think this is the single best site for a tall building in the area. Perfect place for it.

Although I noticed in the render that the units facing 3rd Ave appear to be residential. I hope that changes, I think those units facing Kensington should 100% be CRU's. That's some seriously prime real estate and with the city planning to do some upgrades on 3rd Ave it's only going to get better for retail
