Maybe this will be more mixed use than we think, and those pipes are for the new external pipe organ.

First song they play will be "We don't get fooled again" by the Who.
All that came into my mind was "oooof, ugh"… so that's not good. I'm in the area pretty often and virtually never remember to photograph this thing. The functions (other than parking) will be cool, but it looks like shit.
if they had $75mm burning a hole in their pocket they should have built a parking structure in bridgeland instead, under the park or on an empty lot on 1ave. at least its a place that might need one at some point.

this was never a good idea.
if they had $75mm burning a hole in their pocket they should have built a parking structure in bridgeland instead, under the park or on an empty lot on 1ave. at least its a place that might need one at some point.

this was never a good idea.
Just wait until we see what the Flames are cooking up a block and a half away with their arena schemes. Why build one $75M parkade you don't need when you can build a ton of surface parking and other parkades you don't need as well.

And if a cool look is enough to justify a project like this, $75M could have gone a long way building wide sidewalks with well taken-care of trees around most other surface parking lots in the city centre.
