It's a lovely design; excited to see it! Sad to say goodbye to my crayon plan for a gondola between Westbrook and the U of C, but this site was a perfect spot for straight-line connections across the Bow and up to FMC.
The land use for this one goes to CPC next week:
Report, Background, Applicant Submission, CA opposition letter

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It's a strange system we have where the community's problems are disproportionally defined through the impact of a single development. The status quo - regardless of how unsafe or dangerous it is - has little obvious or responsive mechanism to fix itself, such as Memorial's Drive's stroady/quasi-arterial status that has made the street dangerous for about 50 years.

Those are the usual complaints. It’s as if there’s a manual for CAs to refer to,
You forgot CRIME from your list. This will definitely attract criminals from all areas of the city, and within a few years Parkdale will be a ghetto! 🙄
