less than a year and all the renters are turning this building into garbage. bbq lighters and knobs missing, the 4th and 13th floor elevator buttons scratched off, interior elevator doors with scratch graffiti, trashy families sitting in the hot-tub FULLY CLOTHED, weed odour in the hallways, incidents of thievery in the gym, and all of brampton moving in. WTF? just cruising the underground parking lot you can tell this place is more of a hostel full of people who can't afford to own their own home. what a waste and this is my experience as a VISITOR!
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less than a year and all the renters are turning this building into garbage. bbq lighters and knobs missing, the 4th and 13th floor elevator buttons scratched off, interior elevator doors with scratch graffiti, white trash families sitting in the hot-tub FULLY CLOTHED, weed odour in the hallways, incidents of thievery in the gym, and all of brampton moving in. WTF? just cruising the underground parking lot you can tell this place is more of a hostel full of people who can't afford to own their own home. what a waste and this is my experience as a VISITOR!

I visited the building just south and east to this. Its the building thats known for the flooding despite it being a new building. I can only speak about the things I saw but as a previous condo owner of a condo that was 20 years old I was shocked at the deteriation I saw in a NEW condo. In the entertainment room which has a pool table and that they make you put a deposit down to use, tiles were chipped in multiple places, the walls were scratched so much the wall paper should have been changed 6 months ago, the pool table itself needed to be refelted, the pool changeroom had a sauna that did not work, the hall had wood panels that were chipped. It felt more like a hotel after a new years eve party then a place that people respected as their home. As for CHICAGO, its my favourite of the MCC buildings. Its sad if what you describe is actually true. Its sad but unfortunately not shocking.
less than a year and all the renters are turning this building into garbage. bbq lighters and knobs missing, the 4th and 13th floor elevator buttons scratched off, interior elevator doors with scratch graffiti, trashy families sitting in the hot-tub FULLY CLOTHED, weed odour in the hallways, incidents of thievery in the gym, and all of brampton moving in. WTF? just cruising the underground parking lot you can tell this place is more of a hostel full of people who can't afford to own their own home. what a waste and this is my experience as a VISITOR!
Man! What part of Chicago are they going for?
less than a year and all the renters are turning this building into garbage. bbq lighters and knobs missing, the 4th and 13th floor elevator buttons scratched off, interior elevator doors with scratch graffiti, trashy families sitting in the hot-tub FULLY CLOTHED, weed odour in the hallways, incidents of thievery in the gym, and all of brampton moving in. WTF? just cruising the underground parking lot you can tell this place is more of a hostel full of people who can't afford to own their own home. what a waste and this is my experience as a VISITOR!

This isn't unique to MCC. I hear the same thing re: CityPlace.
If you don't like it, buy in Yorkville! lol
less than a year and all the renters are turning this building into garbage. bbq lighters and knobs missing, the 4th and 13th floor elevator buttons scratched off, interior elevator doors with scratch graffiti, trashy families sitting in the hot-tub FULLY CLOTHED, weed odour in the hallways, incidents of thievery in the gym, and all of brampton moving in. WTF? just cruising the underground parking lot you can tell this place is more of a hostel full of people who can't afford to own their own home. what a waste and this is my experience as a VISITOR!

I rented a unit in Chicago in January after accepting a job offer in Mississauga, and everything above is 100% correct unfortunately. I can't wait to move out.

When I moved in, the building was in pristine condition. I'm actually the first person to live in my unit. But in only eight months time, the building has degraded a noticeable amount. As mentioned above, the elevators have been vandalized, buttons scratched out, and the stainless steel finishes keyed. Fire exit signs have been vandalized, some of the common amenities are in poor shape. Additionally, there have been issues with the HVAC (chiller has failed a couple of times), and a lack of hot water on some floors. I often get into brief chats in the elevator with residents about the state of the building after such a short period of time.

To me, that's just the poop icing on the poop cake. What has really been getting me are the residents of the building. "Trashy" is being polite. People stuff their garbage through the gaps in the balcony floor and onto yours. Me and my (balcony) neighbor have an assortment of cigarette butts, match books, childrens toys, and half eaten food on our balconies from the people above (some of it still dangling precariously in the balcony gaps waiting to fall down). There are people who leave all of their trash on the garbage room floor, people with 8 or 9 people living in one unit, people who think the hallway is an extension of their property or an all hours playpen for their loud children. There's a unit on my floor that has people entering it and leaving it every 5 minutes or so, all day and night, and with the door constantly propped open with a shoe. I live with my kitchen extractor always running just to drown out the noise, and to sleep when I need to. And dont get me started on the pretend gangsters, or the frequent weed stench (nothin' against it, infact I support Marijuana, but I respect that not everyone wants to smell it all the time).

Basically Chicago feels like college dorm meets hostel for new Canadians. Please don't take that the wrong way, but if you're a mature person who just wants to come home to somewhere nice, comfortable, reasonably quiet, with respectful neighbors, after 9 lovely hours behind a desk, this is not the place to be.
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This isn't unique to MCC. I hear the same thing re: CityPlace.
If you don't like it, buy in Yorkville! lol

Can't say I'm experiencing any of that in CityPlace, thank god! Sounds like the condo board/building management isn't very effective.
Can't say I'm experiencing any of that in CityPlace, thank god! Sounds like the condo board/building management isn't very effective.

I was about to say the same thing.

If there are issues, you should address them all to the Developer/Property Management Co/Board. Is there not anyone from Customer Care (Daniels) on the property to address issues? This type of behaviour is completely unacceptable. For those living in Chicago, who is your property management company? Your complaints should be voiced and the Daniels/Property management company should be taking care of ALL these issues that have been mentioned. If they are not doing so, it's time to let them go and find another property management company.

I live in X condo and we have had our share of issues. Pool cues went missing from the games room. Glass was broken there as well. There have been incidents of individuals throwing items off the balconies. There WERE issues and still ARE some minor issues, but Great Gulf did not play around. Great Gulf/The board enacted rules that are now being strictly enforced. Individuals must sign in at the concierge and get their own personal fob key (in the past, everyone could access the amenities with their home owner fob key) to use the amenities, including the pool. More cameras are being installed in the condo. Great Gulf also replaced the previous property management company. Unfortunately, you will not be able to resolve all the issues, but please do voice your concerns.

As for the chiller (AC) and hot water issues. That is pretty common in most new condos. We've had our share of AC chiller and hot water issues here at X.

I am a renter and I am very considerate of my neighbours. I keep my unit in prestine condition and respect the fact that it is not my unit. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for everyone. Some people simply just do not give a f*ck. And that's the World we live in. Again, do not take this in stride. Tuscani said it best, your property management company and/or board is not being effective. And if they are not, get rid of them!
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In buildings where a high percentage of residents are renters and not the actual condo owners, the respect for property and personal surroundings is simply a lot lower. There's no way around that if the condo developers are depending on the investment of would-be landlords to hit the thresholds needed just to get construction started.

Condo boards and management companies aren't going to make societal changes in terms of respect for property, neighbors, etc...
I was about to say the same thing.

If there are issues, you should address them all to the Developer/Property Management Co/Board. Is there not anyone from Customer Care (Daniels) on the property to address issues? This type of behaviour is completely unacceptable. For those living in Chicago, who is your property management company? Your complaints should be voiced and the Daniels/Property management company should be taking care of ALL these issues that have been mentioned. If they are not doing so, it's time to let them go and find another property management company.

I live in X condo and we have had our share of issues. Pool cues went missing from the games room. Glass was broken there as well. There have been incidents of individuals throwing items off the balconies. There WERE issues and still ARE some minor issues, but Great Gulf did not play around. Great Gulf/The board enacted rules that are now being strictly enforced. Individuals must sign in at the concierge and get their own personal fob key (in the past, everyone could access the amenities with their home owner fob key) to use the amenities, including the pool. More cameras are being installed in the condo. Great Gulf also replaced the previous property management company. Unfortunately, you will not be able to resolve all the issues, but please do voice your concerns.

As for the chiller (AC) and hot water issues. That is pretty common in most new condos. We've had our share of AC chiller and hot water issues here at X.

I am a renter and I am very considerate of my neighbours. I keep my unit in prestine condition and respect the fact that it is not my unit. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for everyone. Some people simply just do not give a f*ck. And that's the World we live in. Again, do not take this in stride. Tuscani said it best, your property management company and/or board is not being effective. And if they are not, get rid of them!

Same with us at Luna. There were issues with people writing on the layer of dust on cars in the parking garage, people complained, management put up cameras and the problem is gone. People were bringing too many guests up to the pool deck, people complained, new rules were put into place and the problem is gone. People were abusing the free guest parking, we complained, new rules were put into effect and the problem is gone. Now, this is Luna at CityPlace im talking about, a building with a high percentage of renters. If our management can keep them under control, there is no reason why other property management companies cant do the same.

If you don't complain, nothing will get done. If you complain and nothing gets done, thats when you start complaining about the management to your board.
Sucks to hear that. Some people truly are inconsiderate punks. When I rented, I treated the place like it was my own....so not all renters are bad. But seems like the management at Chicago don't really care.
Strange thing is--maybe it's the whole "416 bias" thing skewing the picture, but from the sound of things, Mississauga City Centre is on a far surer path t/w degraded St James Town-dom than Cityplace--maybe because "New Canadians" factor in much more strongly...
I was about to say the same thing.

If there are issues, you should address them all to the Developer/Property Management Co/Board. Is there not anyone from Customer Care (Daniels) on the property to address issues? This type of behaviour is completely unacceptable. For those living in Chicago, who is your property management company? Your complaints should be voiced and the Daniels/Property management company should be taking care of ALL these issues that have been mentioned. If they are not doing so, it's time to let them go and find another property management company.

Chicago is managed by Larlyn Property Management. I actually have addressed some issues with them, which were met with lip service and no action. I do believe there are power in numbers however, so I do hope that I'm not the only one bringing issues to their attention. They actually sent out a newsletter not long ago saying that they were considering placing additional cameras in the building. It's a start.

However I feel that they have gone backward in some ways as well. For example you no longer need a fob of any kind to get into the guest area of the garage - anyone can just drive on in. Also, parking (above and below ground) is often abused here with residents parking their extra vehicles (or only vehicles!) in visitor/retail spaces. There's no enforcement in any way.

As for the chiller (AC) and hot water issues. That is pretty common in most new condos. We've had our share of AC chiller and hot water issues here at X.

These definitely do seem like normal hiccups with getting a new building up and running. They aren't the core of my issues with the condo at all, just an additional pain in the butt.
Chicago is managed by Larlyn Property Management. I actually have addressed some issues with them, which were met with lip service and no action. I do believe there are power in numbers however, so I do hope that I'm not the only one bringing issues to their attention. They actually sent out a newsletter not long ago saying that they were considering placing additional cameras in the building. It's a start.

However I feel that they have gone backward in some ways as well. For example you no longer need a fob of any kind to get into the guest area of the garage - anyone can just drive on in. Also, parking (above and below ground) is often abused here with residents parking their extra vehicles (or only vehicles!) in visitor/retail spaces. There's no enforcement in any way.

That really is unfortunate. There have been instances here at X where individuals parked their vehicles in other people's spots, only to find their vehicles "missing". The concierge does a great job of tagging and even having vehicles towed. I have seen numerous instances where Parking Authority has been called and vehicles have been towed away from the underground garage (one instance it took the tow truck over 30mins to get an SUV out of the garage being that it's so tight. But he got the job done). Guests should all be registered at the front desk. Those that don't belong their should be tagged and then towed after numerous warnings.

I say go right to the source, the Developer. Great Gulf has customer service and property management (Equity ICI Real Estate) here onsite Monday to Friday. Is there no customer care from Daniels around at all?
