Yes, the bridge might cost a billion dollars but it will be almost a kilometre long. The bridge is badly needed because entire neighbourhoods on the north side of the rail yard are completely inaccessible to downtown for pedestrians and cyclists, and thats not taking the LRT into count. That bridge alone will be worth the expense.
I think an express route along 127 Street could be a good short-term solution.
In the context of this thread, 150x already serves a portion of the future NLRT corridor, running express via 97 St then local along 132 Ave to 113A St/ Castle Downs Road to Castle Downs TC and then beyond.
The 140x does provide express service to 127 St via Kingsway/ RAH. While not a dedicated express down 127 St, the route does tie into the NLRT. I wouldn't call them LRT precursors like the 73 or 900x, they certainly do provide an express option from areas that will be served by a future NLRT extension.
It is unfortunate that essential infrastructure costs have increased so much. This just emphasizes the need to resist calls for "subways subways subways" that run up the budget, and use existing rights of way to open up streets to people, not just cars.
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Formerly known as the NAIT LRT station





Planting perennials in the fall works very well. Gives the roots time to recover and settle before spring
True, just not sure exactly what they plan on planting, I was thinking the native plants, kinda like what they put in on Jasper around the 113th area or the hill over by Muttart station...
So I've had to take the metro Line in the mornings lately and have noticed that during rush hour there are plenty of students taking the train to macewan or nait, which of course is to be expected. The part that surprises me is that each time I'm there and the train is packed, I'm still only seeing 3 car trains. Has the metro Line started running at least 4 car trains yet? At least for rush hour it would make sense.
The part that surprises me is that each time I'm there and the train is packed, I'm still only seeing 3 car trains. Has the metro Line started running at least 4 car trains yet? At least for rush hour it would make sense.
Right now ETS runs at peak 16 Capital Line trains x 4 cars for 64 cars and 5 Metro Line trains X3 for 15 cars for a total of 79 cars out of the 94 car fleet. That means ETS is running with a spare ratio of about 16%. This is pretty good considering the age of the U2 fleet.
Increasing the Metro Line trains to 4 cars would mean 84 out 94 cars in service and a spare ratio of 11%. Not good.
While ETS does bump Metro Line trains down in the evening, I don't see it as being something easily done in between peak hours. What they perhaps could do is extend the operating limits beyond the NAIT Station and use that track as a tail track to store cars rather than returning to DLM in between the peak hours, although this doesn't really help the spare ratio issue.
