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If they don't match the mullion colour, then repainting that patch of bare wall on the podium from the dark grey to white would probably work well enough.
Light base, Dark tower.
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They might have been looking for a bit of this:

The open space is a two storey high exterior patio.
Really hoping that the mullion pattern gets corrected for symmetry on the right of the above picture. It has to be an error in the shop drawings that's going to be corrected right? Otherwise, woof.
Disagree. I don't mind this at all. Provides some visual interest to the podium level that juxtaposes the other vertical/horizontal design elements.
Original projected date was March. Then it changed to July. Now I notice the website just updated:


With covid + inflation + The Hyatt backing out on them and all the delays I can't even begin to imagine how over budget this has gone.
Been hearing tons of work being done inside all week. December 2023 would be awesome if it meant their sidewalk hoarding would be removed.

I wish that these were being retained and restored, alas.

Reference ID:Job No 485061306-002
Description:To construct exterior alterations to a mixed-use Multi-unit Housing building (remove the off-site information kiosk and fill it with matching pavers).
Location:10058 - 102 STREET NW
Plan NB Blk 2 Lots 79-81
Status:In Development Review
Create Date:2023-09-19T11:30:22Z
Class of Permit:Class A
Yeah, pretty much 0 improvement. Some landscaping? Only positive really is the reuse and more bodies it hopefully brings DT. Not a huge improvement to the aesthetic of jasper ave. Which badly needs love.

Bodies and an active frontage please and thank you.

The 102-105st improvements cannot come soon enough. I still find it absurd that the primary main street in the city is going to take the better part of a generation to redo, but that's for another day/thread.
Bodies and an active frontage please and thank you.

The 102-105st improvements cannot come soon enough. I still find it absurd that the primary main street in the city is going to take the better part of a generation to redo, but that's for another day/thread.
Exactly my thoughts. The improvements on that stretch cannot come soon enough and I still believe not trying to get the Jasper Ave renewal project done in one go during Covid was a huge missed opportunity that will come back to haunt the city.

As well, the exterior work here is incredibly disappointing. Very little, if any, positive changes done on a landmark tower in a very important section in downtown. Sigh.
