What do you think of this project?

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Staff member
Member Bio
Sep 22, 2015
Reaction score

  • 11009 and 11015 109A Avenue NW
  • 8-storey multi-unit housing development with the opportunity for minor commercial on the ground level
  • Maximum of 120 dwelling units and underground parking
  • FAR 3.0
  • The proposal would allow for the following uses:
    • Multi-unit Housing
    • Live/Work Units
    • Convenience Retail Stores
    • Specialty Food Services


Proposed rezoning in Queen Mary Park for a mid-rise apartment
November 21, 2019

Edmontonians are invited to a drop-in engagement session to learn more about a proposed rezoning at 11009 & 11015 109A Avenue NW.

Date: Thursday, November 29
Time: 6 – 8 p.m.
Location: Queen Mary Park Community League, 10844 117 Street NW

The proposed rezoning would allow for the development of an eight storey apartment building with a maximum of 120 residential units, family-oriented row housing in the base and underground parking. An amendment to the Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan would be required to facilitate the proposed rezoning.

The engagement session will be an opportunity to learn more about the proposal and share your views with the City and the applicant. Feedback will be summarized in a report to be shared at a future City Council Public Hearing.

For more information:
edmonton.ca/queenmarypark > Planning Applications

REVISED DATE - Proposed rezoning in Queen Mary Park for a mid-rise apartment
November 22, 2019

Edmontonians are invited to a drop-in engagement session to learn more about a proposed rezoning at 11009 & 11015 109a Avenue NW.

Date: Thursday, November 28
Time: 6 – 8 p.m.
Location: Queen Mary Park Community League, 10844 117 Street NW

The proposed rezoning would allow for the development of an eight storey apartment building with a maximum of 120 residential units, family-oriented row housing in the base and underground parking. An amendment to the Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan would be required to facilitate the proposed rezoning.

The engagement session will be an opportunity to learn more about the proposal and share your views with the City and the applicant. Feedback will be summarized in a report to be shared at a future City Council Public Hearing.

For more information:
edmonton.ca/queenmarypark > Planning Applications
The long-lost EDC minutes are finally online.

C.1 The Willow (Rezoning / Formal)
Wes Sims - Brian Allsopp Architect

Motion of support with conditions

The Committee feels that this development is of an appropriate height and supports
the densification within a core neighbourhood.
● The Committee recommends that the Applicant continue to work with
Administration and the community with respect to the development scale (eg.
massing) and relationship to the physical context of the surrounding


