Northern Light
Hope this is hyperbole.
Do I want police to trump up a fake charge against this woman? No
Do I think this woman's shallow character would benefit greatly from the above listed activity, yes I do.
Hope this is hyperbole.
If she find washing too challenging, she can always go out and buy herself a shaver and go Sinead.
Linamar out of Guelph, another profits over people company, has had multiple outbreaks at their factories too. They were also fined yet again for a worker being badly burned by a fireball.
Linamar fined $200K after unprotected worker hit by furnace fireball - NEWS 1130
GUELPH, Ont. — A prominent car-parts maker in Guelph, Ont., has been fined $200,000 after a worker was hit by a furnace fireball. The incident at Linamar Corporation occurred in October 2018. Ontario’s Labour Ministry says the worker was opening the furnace door to remove a part. A
The billionaire owner and CEO of Linamar is on Ford's COVID-19 vaccine task force. No wonder the vaccines are taking so long!
Linamar CEO named to COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force
Task Force is being led by retired general Rick
From this, just because it merits highlighting:
Meanwhile, Australian pro Bernard Tomic’s girlfriend, Vanessa Sierra, sent out a video complaint via Twitter in which she bellyached that she now has to wash her own hair: “I’ve never washed my own hair. It’s just not something that I do.”
Now, we can all debate the correct mix of measures to respond to the pandemic. Its fair game to discuss what should be locked down/restricted, for how long etc.
Whatever one's position there can be an agreement that being laid off is a hardship; being forced to stay home due to closed schools/childcare is a hardship, being denied medically necessary care is a very serious hardship.
But never, ever, can we discount the seriousness, the profound, life-altering hardship that is having to wash one's own hair................
FFS..........I may oppose heavy-handed policing; or over-incarceration; but I desperately want police to find something to charge this woman with such than the sentence can involve cleaning public washrooms for a month.
Have no idea who she is, so google came in handy ...
apparently silicon Barbie is from the 2019 television series “Love Island,” and adult subscription site OnlyFans sex worker.
I'll wash her hair for her....seems like she can even afford me.