I ended up voting for Chow. I wanted to vote for Ari, I really did. But there is no chance he will get into double digits and I think there is a chance for Chow to take second, and maybe even a slight hope she might win (I know very slight)
I just couldn't bring myself to vote for Tory, his policy just doesn't connect to mine. He flip-flops way to much. I could possibly look past him endorsing Ford, but I just couldn't look past three years of him as a talk radio host and always giving the Fords excuses and benefit of the doubt and a platform to spew their lies. I just couldn't vote for that. Maybe in a ranked ballot situation he could be in a top three contender. But the way ballots are now, if Tory was 80 or 90% of Chow I might be willing to vote strategy wise, but political is closer to Ford to get my vote.
Rob Ford said Doug will get 45%. Interesting number for guys who always said EVERYBODY agrees with them. Now they are not even trying to even convince themselves they can get 50%
I heard Doug is bussing people in from community housing.