$20 says Mikey has more or less been bullied into all of this. Even if he wins the byelection (which I imagine he will), I don't think he's all of a sudden going to turn into the Second Coming Of Rob. I mean, Doug might force him into voting against everything just like Rob, but do you think he has it in him to be as big a grandstanding, obstructionist jerk? That's who Rob *was*...with Mikey it seems like it would be an act, and if he can even pull it off it will seem forced.
Wow, guess I am naive and I am not from Toronto so not technically my business but I sure am repeatedly shocked by the slimey questionable antics at city council, is nobody accountable ever for the Ford pandering and waste of money and loss of dignity?
I realize the big shew at city hall for the king lying in state was an attempt to placate the brain dead ford nation voters, after all that is 300,000 potential voters for next elections for mayor.
My goodness bad enough they allowed a half dead man to run knowing full well he couldn't do his job but now he is gone and this is certainly an opportunity to regain some pride and function for the city by quickly just eliminating the Ford effect. Why did they not just select a replacement, non Ford, and be done as they would know full well that a Ford freak would run if an election was held given the sense of entitlement that clan demands. Certainly it would be useless for anyone else, decent , to throw in their hat. The financial, emotional and moral toll of catering to that Ford clan and FN nuts is impossible!
Will Toronto never tire of being the laughing stock of the world, or at least until Trump gets to be president in US and makes that country win the king of fools award.
It seems very crazy to me that a kid with no education, no business experience, no life experience or maturity and definately no speaking skills and a speech impediment no help and questionable actual intelligence by only parroting the Ford BS doctrine.....how can he be entitled to $100,000 of tax payer money to just be Dougs puppet and likely do absolutely nothing constructive for his electorate but guess they will love him anyway for his name!
Mikey will likely just be a silent place holder in council. Why doesn't he get a spine and some training and a job away from his sick family and have a proud life on his own as far away from that crew as he can get, but I guess easy money is easy money aye!
How can the city allow this. Is there no end to the Ford shame that they will cater to?