Whether or not Junior genuinely believes in this 'lone wolf' nonsense is rather a moot point. He presumably has his marching orders from Thug and Diane and appears to have no intention of rocking that particular boat. He doesn't have to be a mouth-foaming reactionary like dear old Unca Thug and Blob to continue their proud tradition of being ignorant, know-nothing, obstructionist deadweight. What interests me is that City Council - again! - apparently has no problem in playing along with this. It's insane.
I mean, for Christ's sakes, just because resentful yahoos in Etobicoke got this patently unqualified child appointed to a position of responsibility, it doesn't mean the other councilors have to cater to him. Even after his allegedly popular uncle is out of the picture, the local city government is still coddling the Ford family. This is beyond parody.