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Aug 25, 2020
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Pre-application consultation has occurred on 156 & 158 Dunlop St E and 16 Poyntz Street in Downtown Barrie by proponent Holyrood Holdings. The proposal is for a 29-storey mixed-use condo (244 units) and 3 ground floor commercial units.

158 Dunlop is currently the heritage-designated Morton-Turnbull House (c. 1875).

Site viewed from Dunlop:

Site viewed from Poyntz:
I've been in this area on foot a few times and here's my wish list for this area:

1) preserve the heritage and see if the retail can fit inside for a fine grain, old timey feel at street level
2) tower should be purpose built rental, Barrie has a significant shortfall of rental units
3) improve Sam Cancilla Park across the street: more trees, formalized desire paths, rethink the old swings and booth - no one uses them apart from a few of the local hard done by set
4) provide supportive housing for the ragged individuals in the aforementioned park
5) widen sidewalks and narrow car lanes on Dunlop, potentially by way of eliminating the street parking - there's plenty more just around the corner

Obviously, not all of these can be funded by this one development. But these improvements should be on the list as this area redevelops. Another important consideration is ensuring future developments don't get flooded given the proximity to the water.

- Looks like full preservation of the heritage house and nothing cantilevered over it either.
- Significant retail by the looks of it
- Nice scale of street wall
- Good use of colour on 2/3 of the proposal.


- Way too much parking on street and off (surface)
- The tall tower is bland yet busy
- The streetscape needs trees along its entire length.
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