The limestone looks beautiful, along with the neoclassical ornaments. Having midrises along quiet residential side streets is good urbanism. Overall, though, the massing looks awkward, together with the size of the dormers and the contemporary fenestration.

I'm quite fond of the projects GLS Stone Group has been part of in France. They're doing hand-crafted neoclassical stone facades, which are often quite compelling. Our builders could learn something from their projects.
Decent materials but awkward proportions. Not enough space above the 4th floor window and the circular accents on the edge of the windows on the first floor are unnecessary. The developer should have looked to how RAMSA handled these windows on 1 St Thomas.

Even St Gabriels Village on Sheppard had a better sense of leaving adequate breathing room around the windows instead of cramming all the architectural elements together (and seemingly running out of room).

I do appreciate the fine grained topography of the side on the north facing Russell Hill Rd.
