The Sherbourne Street renaissance continues (even between Dundas and Shuter! 😲).

One of the most elegant designs we've seen in the past few years... on a long neglected street.

A great example of a tower being neighbourly rather than threatening to a heritage building ;-). Very nice stuff HPA.
The Sherbourne Street renaissance continues (even between Dundas and Shuter! 😲).

One of the most elegant designs we've seen in the past few years... on a long neglected street.

A great example of a tower being neighbourly rather than threatening to a heritage building ;-). Very nice stuff HPA.
This tower will certainly help gentrify a stretch of Sherbourne that's been rough for ages.

@Admiral Beez must be dancing a jig right now 🤣
Great design for a neglected and sketchy area. I do hope that the strip plaza goes soon too. This the ONLY area in the city (aside from Queen E. and Sherbourne) that I lock my car doors when I drive through and wouldn't walk in at night.
Toronto Model 10-22-22 230 Sherbourne.png
WONDERFUL , .. HOW are they going to market this tower?? ,[ buy a house on Pembroke and incorporate and use that as the entrance . considering the area and the east side of the street both north and south corners , . I realize that in New York , this would not be a problem , in nyc as long as you have lanes of traffic separating you from the sketch , people are willing to wait for the rest of the gentrification to happen , . isnt the church[southeat corner of D/S in receivership , and yes , it's really just a matter of months b4 the strip mall just north and houses along Sherbourne are grouped up and sold .
Handsome tower. This part of the city could REALLY use some more high-rise density.
Wow, Toronto has had some really nice architecture proposed as of late. Even modest proposals like this are often quite nice. 😍
I think it's the thick detailed cladding giving depth around the windows. Which is becoming more noticeable on these new developments, like it was in the past. Compared to the all glass condo buildings with little cladding between them. Which lacks contrast if the glass windows and balconies etc don't compromise each other eg. The Social at Church tower lol.
It's very refreshing to see a return to masonry and articulation, and HPA has fast become my favourite firm in the city. Except in the cases of the highest quality applications (160 Front, CIBC, 19 Duncan), all-glass envelopes are boring and lazy.
Sure, but there are limited developers who will take something like that on (unfortunately). Everything depicted here is very expensive, and given the area, you're not going to get the price point to justify that kind of detailing.
fantastic, this is the type of major investments needed in downtown east side, especially in this area - fully support any condo developments in the area, the faster the better!
The city has made Kingsett an offer for the site. It looks like it's going to get turned into another highrise slum.
