Senior Member
1. That any new development be based on good urban planning principles and be respectful of the City of Toronto's Official Plan
2. That any new development demonstrate an appropriate transition in scale to the adjacent neighbourhood
3. That plans be devised with the community and be respectful of local residents' feedback and not be appealed to either the OMB or the proposed Local Planning Appeals Tribunal
This is probably going to be the bone of contention. We're going from the corner of Yonge and Eg, a high-order transit hub, to 2-storey houses and a 3-storey police station. Hard to achieve an 'appropriate transition'; it's either going to be too much or not enough, depending on which side you stand on.
The red circle is ~500m from the edge of the SW corner, and does not factor in additional entrances into the transit station. West of the subway trench and south of Eglinton, everything within the circle is zoned low-density residential except Eglinton Square and the police station. I find it to be completely nonsense. So now that I think about it, #1 is ridiculous too, and it will be inevitable that #3 will happen, if Matlow convinces city council to object to a proposal.