Northern Light

Member Bio
May 20, 2007
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The above parcels are being lobbied on with respect to their potential for a tall building.



Aerial View:


Site size: ~ 14,000ft2 and change

Lets summon @sunnyraytoronto for his area insights.
So according to North York Centre Secondary Plan this site is entitled to 1.5FSI Density,... that's what's being granted to the buffer zone west of Greenview Ave,..

But this site is east of Greenview Ave - where Beecroft extension north of Finch will happen soon! (City will need a some land along western edge of this site for Beecroft Extension - likely at least the most western house lot.) So one could easily argue this site should have 4.0FSI to match Meridian Condo to the south (26 & 31-storey condo with 3-storey townhouses at base),... which was approved a while ago but since then everybody and their grandmother been getting Double Density within North York Centre Secondary Plan,.... so should easily get 8.0FSI. But the problem is Hendon Park to the north of this site,... too much height here will create a shadow onto the Park,... so I would expect CityPlanning to observe 45 degree angular plane here,... and given lot depth of this site, that would limit height of this site to about 10-storey,... basically end up with a short fat building here,... with about 5FSI
Starting Monday off with a banger, in terms of height at least!

Design by Studio JCI


OPA & Rezoning to permit the redevelopment of the subject site with a 46-storey (152.55-metre) purpose built rental apartment building, comprised of a 6- storey podium element and a 40-storey tower element, containing a total of 433 rental dwelling units. The proposal will have a gross floor area of approximately 30,696 square metres, resulting in a density equivalent to 22.9 times the gross area of the subject site.

It's not a bad layout - Beecroft is one of the street I use the most when I drive up there, to avoid the Yonge traffic. It does seem like it will make going into the parking easier. This makes me wonder if they will continue to extend Beecroft towards the North.
It's not a bad layout - Beecroft is one of the street I use the most when I drive up there, to avoid the Yonge traffic. It does seem like it will make going into the parking easier. This makes me wonder if they will continue to extend Beecroft towards the North.
A great way to avoid traffic and the pain of having to find parking is not to drive.
Driving is not suited at 23 times lot coverage.

30,000 square metres for 460 units is pretty high. I wonder if this is targeting York University students with multi-bedroom units. Yonge and Finch was the hub for students before VMC
Looks up at post heard it here first UT.



Parking Ratio 0.09

Elevator Ratio: One elevator per 108.25 units

Comments: Purpose Built Rental - Good. Podium.......too bulky, shift the top floor to the tower form, it will look better. The precast/stone look should come down to grade; the change in look here makes the base look squashed.

@HousingNowTO will want affordable housing as a benefit here; none proposed as is.

@sunnyraytoronto will have thoughts.
Looks up at post heard it here first UT.


@sunnyraytoronto will have thoughts.

Looks up at post thoughts have not changed

Here, Subject Site zoned for 1.5FSI but since it's east of Beecroft North Extension within Yonge Corridor,... and since existing Development to south has 4.0FSI, and since OMB/OLT has been granting Double Density to North York Centre Secondary Plan since Feb 2020, so 8.0FSI Density
But due to 45 degree angular plane from Hendon Park and lot depth of 110',... something closer to 10-storey, short and fat,...

46-storey at 22.9FSI Density is just too much here,... shadowing impacts Hendon Park's baseball diamond,....

Also,... tower portion is just 4m from east property line - usually City would want at least 12.5m here,..... and adjacent property's future tower would also contribute 12.5m setback as well, for City's 25m distance between towers,....

Looks up at post #2.................

I saw it.

But as the proposal didn't conform to your thoughts, overall (you finished at 10s) I thought you would have further thoughts!

46-storey at 22.9FSI Density is just too much here

Definitely an aggressive ask.

,... shadowing impacts Hendon Park's baseball diamond,....

I saw that. Time of day does matter mind you.

The shadows will occur, mostly in the 9am to Noon'ish range.

How much baseball is scheduled in those hours?

In general, shadows from the east get a bit more latitude for that reason; but not always, it depends on the park, and on the degree of existing shadow.

46-Storey Purpose-Built Rental Proposed Near Finch Station

If approved, development from Trolleybus would deliver over 400 rental units to North York's Newtonbrook West neighbourhood.

Thanks, @Northern Light for the heads-up on the ZERO "affordable housing" count in the current proposal. :rolleyes:
Wow, this diagram, as part of the submission materials, identifies the wrong block. It's the one to the east of this of course.


