Northern Light

Member Bio
May 20, 2007
Reaction score
New to the AIC is the above application for a 29s tower located on the north side of Eglinton, just west of Markham Road.

Site as it is, per Streetview:


The App:


From the Docs:




Site Plan:


Ground Floor Plan:




A nice, competent building, overall, low parking ratio, lots to like.

Elevator Ratio: 3 to 342 units, or slightly below the 1 per 100 benchmark.

Precedents: Tallest approved nearby is 21s; tallest ask is 44s (not yet approved, also though, other side of the tracks, literally, not sure how workable it is as precedent.

Landscape Plan, some quibbles. I would like to see the trees shifted slightly to better serve as a buffer between pedestrians and traffic (pedestrian clearway to the inside of the trees). Tree mix is interesting but suspect.
Tough overall conditions for Tulip Tree, Bur Oak or Black Maple. (though I really like Black Maple, and I wouldn't mind seeing if one or two worked here) (Black Maple is a close and less common cousin of Sugar Maple)

My instinct is that this one will be cut down to mid 20s, but we shall see
Love the precast cladding with the seal trim added that's creates a punctured window look on the facade! And the balconies don't protrude outwards making the facade astetically look better overall in my opinion.
Love the colour and texture. Same for the parking ratio. Curious they think this area can support it. Banking on EELRT?

Given the low ratio, if I were the city, I'd agree to more height in exchange for some good S.37 contributions.

Agree with NL the trees should be shifted closer to the road (include good planter beds to protect from salt).

One more elevator to seal the deal for me.
Like others have noted, I'm really intrigued by the colour palette and cladding. I will be actively following this project.
