
Member Bio
Mar 8, 2010
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Site Plan application for a stacked townhouse development containing 104 units (1 to 3 bedrooms) and 776 square metres of ground floor retail uses along Kingston Rd. The average size of the residential units is 96 square metres. The building is located along the property's Kingston Road frontage and Mason Road frontage with two "alcoves" or openings on Kingston Road which allows views into the site as well as provide for pedestrian connections to the sidewalk/street. Three rows of townhouses are proposed from the "main" building on Kingston Road with the row of townhouses separated by shared courtyards and outdoor areas, common gardens and amenity spaces. Parking for the development (128 parking spaces) is to be located entirely within the one level underground parking structure. 103 bicycle parking spaces are proposed. (refer to Zoning By-law Amendment application number 16 119194 ESC 36 OZ)
Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---




  • viewSupportingDoc-76-8.jpg
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  • viewSupportingDoc-76-9.jpg
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Nice looking design..

Kinda of feel bad for this developer as they were just announcing this project when council kicked the homeless shelter can down the Kingston Rd curb right next door.
Not against a homeless shelter WHATSOEVER but certainly not needed as "curb appeal" on the main road in this already struggling area. My issue is with the lack of thought & planning. Land is expensive no doubt but that doesnt make taking the easy way out & piling onto a "priority area" the right decision for planning.
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New renderings are updated in the database! The only project information updated is as followed! The total unit count decreased from 323 units to 282 units. Finally, total parking spaces count decreased from 243 parking spaces to 230 parking spaces.

The renderings are taken from the architectural plan via Site Plan Approval:

PLN - Architectural Plans (2 of 2) - MAY 23  2022-18.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans (2 of 2) - MAY 23  2022-17.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans (2 of 2) - MAY 23  2022-16.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans (2 of 2) - MAY 23  2022-15.jpg
This may not be a building that will garner any accolades, but it's actually a relatively cohesive design all things considered. A fairly formidable street wall and urban form especially for something so far east along Kingston Road, and the consistent retail space presence is positive to see.
