Request for Direction Report to authorize staff to opposed this at OLT, to the next meeting of SCC:
Stated Reasons, with my comments after:
Fair; should be an easy fix.
Questionable, doubtless the proposal is inconsistent w/the plan, but on its face, so what?, The plan as all plans are guides not iron-clad rules.
Precedent outside of the court system informs, but is not binding.
I'm open to a legitimate argument about the height, but simple non-conformation w/the plan is not sufficient to my mind.
Maybe, I m still waiting to hear why, in this case those items are at issue.
This is a better argument than some of the others. I have difficulty seeing this as a deal-breaker for either side
In respect of units, I don't know if I've seen this precise argument made before; there are obviously lots of inter-related arguments..........
In respect of the valley lands, shadowing can be an issue for a forest, it would really depend on what species are currently present, Sugar Maple, and Basswood do fine in part-sun/shade; but if the
forest is oak-dominant, cutting its light drastically would have an adverse effect {though probably wouldn't kill the trees, just stunt their growth). Mitigation may be an option.
Good argument. Lots of other proponents of similar infill sites have met this obligation w/o issue; should be resolvable.
Elsewise, there are some technical issues w/various reports, some TRCA concerns not yet addressed, and the City wants a daycare here.