Midtown Urbanist
Millcroft Greens - 2155 Country Club Dr.
View our Millcroft Greens - 2155 Country Club Dr. Development Application webpage
Bit of a weird one, they are redeveloping the edges of a golf course. Various detached homes throughout the development concept plan, but this thread is dedicated to the 6-storey building they stuck on the Dundas frontage on the far side of the hydro corridor.
File Numbers:
Official Plan Amendment: 505-07/20Zoning Bylaw Amendment: 520-07/20
Plan of Subdivision: 510-02/20
Proposed Development
- The owners are proposing to develop five (5) parcels of land for residential uses. The intention is to also make design improvements to the existing course layout while retaining an 18-hole golf course.
- Parcel E – (on Dundas Street) 6-storey residential apartment building.