Totally fine, except the cladding.

This should be brick from top to bottom. While they are using real brick, even on the party wall (!), they’re using concrete block and aluminum panel at grade.

Too many materials, and where it’s most important to use small units of masonry - for durability and for visual interest - is on the ground floor. They’re doing the opposite.
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Whoever came up with this stupid ass directive at City Planning is single-handedly responsible for much of the horrific architecture that permeates this city...
It's totally subjective as well. What is this based on? It's just one design/planning opinion made into an across the board policy. I can kind of understand where they're coming from in theory, but it has had many negative results in builds around the city.
"ApPlIcAnT mUsT BrEaKdOwN tHe MaSsInG bY vArYiNg ThE mAtErIaL pAlEtTe"

Is the stated policy to break up vertical massing within a podium?

I thought there was a goal to break up horizontal massing, on the podium; which is a goal many of us broadly support, as seen in Mirvish Village.

Clearly, that should not apply to a modest, 3 storey building.
