Zoning was approved in 2016, and in 2020 the sunset clause was extended until 2021. No apparent movement since.

Renderings from ICON:



This was considered at the Planning & Development Committee meeting held on January 8, 2024 (item 6.1 of the agenda, here). The Recommendation Report (included in the agenda package) concluded: "In summary, Council’s 2016 approval should be upheld, as the proposal represents an appropriate form of development that enhances an underutilized motor vehicle commercial site in an existing Neighbourhood. Planning staff's recommendation to apply an "H" holding provision enables the existing and/or new landowner to secure the necessary land use permissions while addressing outstanding technical conditions. This approach is in keeping with Planning and Building’s current procedures and will allow the landowner to implement Council’s approvals in the Zoning By-law to facilitate the sale of the property."

I assume Council voted in accordance with the staff recommendations, but have not seen the minutes from the meeting yet.
