The start of a Bathurst Streetwall down to Queen St W? Let's hope so!

Well the rumour is it's setting a height precedent for the soon-to-come Honest Ed's redevelopment....

I really hope that any Honest Ed's development keeps the large commercial space and signs. I have a hunch that it will be Sam the Record Man all over again.
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the rendering does remind me of the first 4 buildings in Remington's Downtown Markham project (Rouge Bijou) designed by Quadrangle Architects!/urbanation

Architect is Hariri Pontarini


i like it ... a nice mid-rise with 4s of darker brick podium to anchor the street and 5s setback of lighter colour to give a less heavy feeling to the low-rise area
This probably would have been a good location for UTS to re-locate to... still fairly close by to U of T.
I like the rendering!
Get in line!

There is a bit more info on Hariri Pontarini's website here. And more images.

"783 Bathurst Street Development is intended to create a dynamic relationship with its immediate context and community by providing a playful façade and a functional retail strip at the street level.

The site, located between Bathurst Street and an existing laneway on the east, offered the designers with the opportunity to not only develop and populate the laneway with urban activities, but also provide two separate entrances for the building for a more efficient access and circulation. The Laneway access provides vehicular access to parking and a more private drop-off and entrance for the residence.

Situated on Bathurst Street, the proposed building is accented with cubic expressions on the front façade which is a gesture that has been derived from the restrictions of the zoning envelope. The modular “cubes” break down the elongated façade along Bathurst Street, while providing a clear view-line for pedestrian. The retail level, at ground, is set back to enforce the pedestrian relationship and allow for a generous walk-way. Tearing back on the top, the proposed building has a 4-storey brick podium with several bays that extrude the 4-storey datum to create variety. The development embodies a 9-storey residential complex on the top of the retail level. The proposal also illustrates 6 townhouses that face laneway on the east, introducing a more gentle residential experience. The materiality differentiates the podium from the top levels. Grey-coloured Brick is used for the podium to continue the rhythm of its context, a timeless gesture that marks the contemporary design of the building, while preserving the integrity of the neighborhood."
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Just checked out Hariri Pontarini's website and found a few slightly clearer renderings. Wow, just browsed through their portfolio and realized how HP is responsible for a lot of the best developments in the city right now! I'm intrigued by the news of the future Honest Ed's redevelopment. It's a famous institution for Toronto, but Bloor/Bathurst has lots of potential and redevelopment will be better for the area in the long run. It's actually one of my favourite intersections in the city, connecting two of my fav retail strips (Annex Bloor West and Koreatown)!



I live like 10 minutes from here and couldn't be happier with this. It's perfect for the neighborhood in every way!
I live around the corner, this seems like a perfect fit for the street and the neighborhood. Well done. So happy to see the old school going, what an eyesore.
