sooner rather than later...



You guys are my heros! Incredible photos. Wait for me on your next sortie. Gonna pick up some fresh black face paint, find my old black toque, and .....Anybody got the theme music to 'Mission Impossible' for me to stick on my Ipod?
Do I need my old grappling hook?:)
Junior,... I can still take out a 250 lb. security gaurd....with my thumb.
(Once taught to me by old Ghurka vet who was sweet on me) :D
priceless ! thanks Redroom (once again), hope I can join in on one of these ventures in the future ~
Redroom or tomms,

Did you see the little drawing of the girl with her legs spread around the 5-7th floors? If not, check it out on your next time up (if it hasn't been covered by drywall by then).
^Mosaic on Spadina also had crude drawings like that in the hallways (while residents were moving in). My brother (who works in construction) says that a surprisingly large portion of guys on these sites are pretty much bottom-of-the-barrel guys. Zero class.

Redroom: Your pics have been fascinating lately. Now of course we all know what the next mission's gonna have to be...

Do LOTE next!

Pics of the CN Tower and office towers. Floors 6, 7, or 8! :)
thanks all for the recognition... its a pleasure to be able to share these with so many people who share the same enthusiasm! ProjectEnd, that does sound familiar but no pictorial evidence I'm afraid.

Cant give anything away but it would be nice to hit a couple more sites before the winter season...
