Mike in TO

Clarkson Village DEAD (Lakeshore Rd W, Moldenhauer, 6s)

Moldenhauer Development is planning a residential/commercial development that will extend the retail strip of Clarkson Village Eastward. The development may be somewhat similar to what FRAM achieved on Lakeshore in Port Credit.

For those that know the area there are three odd bungalows with massive setbacks from Lakeshore bordering Birchwood Park at the base of Kentucky Hill. Moldenhauer Development has purchased these three bungalows as well as the Dairy Queen property. They plan to build a couple hundred units in townhomes and a six storey condo fronting onto lakeshore with retail and livework units. The development should significantly improve the Eastern gateway along Lakeshore into Clarkson Village and extend the retail strip eastwards.
The zoning signs for it have been floating around for a while. I think there was a similar proposal before, but it got rejected. I noticed today though that they had a bulldozer and a front end loader on site so it looks like they might be knocking down the houses. One looks vacant for sure (the weeds everywhere is a sure sign) but the other still has some signs of life but it's hard to tell because it's behind so many willow trees.

It will be a great addition to the area, and will result in something happening to the old KFC site which has been sitting there for a year or two. Clarkson could use some major revitalization and hopefully this will spark it, like Fram did with Port Credit. It will be interesting to see how they'll do the live/work units considering the frontage on Lakeshore is a hill but almost anything is better.

Btw, not sure if it was posted already but Country Homes is doing a similar project on the empty (brownlot?) on Lakeshore, west of Cawthra- and there's a rezoning sign for a 10 storey condo building on Lakeshore, just east of Shaw Dr were the abandoned house that was recently knocked down was.

I believe Moldenhauer also owns the KFC site. They've started pre-registrations on their website, so hopefully the project will launch soon.
^ That's good to hear. The site plan on the rezoning sign is fadded and that empty lot has been an eyesore since the KFC closed. It was getting really sad actually- they had a "fair" there that consisted of a ferris wheel and a merry-go-round on it a while ago- it was one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen. Hopefully it's well designed and will go ahead. Bring some life back.
Moldenhauers father who has passed on was the guy who brought in the kfc francises from the US(remember scotts chicken villa)a long time a go.moldenhauer who is a family friend is one of the biggest crooks out there ,so dont expect much here.
Its a good location. I can just hear the nimbys complaining about the increased densification. Clarkson in general has been be densifying. Other than the old CDN tire lot at broomsgrove, this is definately an area of interest looking from prime development. Next to go in that clarkson village strip, I hope is that old volkswagan dealorship that is now selling used lemons.
Moldenhauer built a few dozen townhouses in Islington Village. They sold for $500k and look like garbage. I wouldn't have high expectations.

Anyone know what is going on at this site. Why is the parking lot been full on construction equipment for so long.

Is there environmental issues?
Kyote1, from what I have heard from various people is that the developer has run out of money for this entire project. Construction had begun on a string of townhouses by the base of Kentucky Hill, however the site has remained in its current state for well over a year now. Not entirely sure what's going to happen at this point in time.
Since they sold their sales centre, I'm gonna assume this one is dead. It's even worst considering the site is becoming overgrown and they already demolished the two houses that were previously on the site which weren't bad looking.
I think Moldenhaur is in big financial trouble. They have recently bought a couple 10 + million dollar projects but their project at 146 & 150 Lakeshore Ave W (Plaza between Brock and Brant) they were planning a condo/townhome project (not sure if this is the same project) but they have defaulted on their mortgage and property is under Power Of Sale and DTZ has the property listed for sale.
This area could be under X name, as no thread for address can be found.

According to the Clarkson Village study presented Monday night to Planning and Development Committee, Vandyk Group of Companies is the new owners of these lands and that will be in the East Gateway Precinct.

No formal proposal has been submitted to the city yet, but indication calls for retail at grade along Lakeshore as part of the apartment complex. Max height under the study call for 6 stories.

The existing sales office and building is to be torn down.
I live in that Area I like that might build house there I Pass it every day they put up black boards
and on it. Its say Another Landmark By Vandyk Residential Communities. On it I live in those group of house on Silver Birch Trail on the lake
I get news lattes from the community saying there are going to build houses.
