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Apr 23, 2007
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Wave of protest swelling over Lake Simcoe resort
Coalition of residents, environmentalists take fight against a planned marina and golf course to the Ontario Municipal Board

August 7, 2007

One of the most controversial development applications in Southern Ontario - a proposal to build Big Bay Point Resort, a 569-acre marina and golf course on Lake Simcoe east of Barrie, comes before the Ontario Municipal Board tomorrow.

The proposal has stimulated growing activism over the fate of Lake Simcoe, produced something of a competition in which the developer argues that a project opposed by some environmentalists will benefit the environment, and become a hot potato for provincial leaders seeking local votes.

The battle pits a company owned by developer Earl Rumm, whose summer home is one of the largest at Big Bay Point, against his neighbours in the century-old summer settlement where the south shore of Kempenfelt Bay meets Lake Simcoe.

The community is made up of an egalitarian summer-colony mix of ordinary folk alongside wealthy and powerful individuals, such as Peter Godsoe, former chairman of the Bank of Nova Scotia, and Ron Brenneman, president and chief executive officer of Petro-Canada.

Most of the residents belong to the Innisfil District Association.

IDA president Don Avery, a year-round resident, has led the fight against the planned resort since 2002, when Mr. Rumm's company, Kimvar Enterprises Inc., bought a failing marina and a block of adjacent land and began to take his project on the tortuous trek through the planning process.

"It's too big, particularly the marina. It's bad for the lake," said Mr. Avery in an interview in the kitchen of the home built on the site of the cottage his family has owned for two generations.

The resort has only 200 feet of lake frontage, and with a planned 1,000-slip marina, Mr. Avery predicts that boats will be lined up off the point trying to get into the marina.

Mr. Rumm counters that the resort will actually improve water quality in Lake Simcoe, since his company, Geranium Corp., will pay for a sewer line from an existing water-treatment plant to the resort, thereby allowing 1,600 cottages to get off septic tanks.

Although the project is just now getting to the OMB, the fight has been bruising.

Mr. Rumm has launched lawsuits against various parties, including Mr. Avery and the IDA, a local law firm, and Ned Goodman and Murray Brasseur, two prominent Toronto businessmen who have large estates in the area and belong to the Big Bay Point Golf and Country Club, a nine-hole course developed in 1924.

Many of those who live at Big Bay are shareholders of the golf club, which wants to expand by adding two properties, adjacent to both the golf club and the proposed resort.

These properties are owned by two companies - Nextnine Ltd. and 2025890 Ontario - which have joined with the IDA to fight the resort in front of the OMB.

The environmental record of the existing golf course could be an issue in the hearing.

At the request of Mr. Rumm's law firm, Davies Howe Partners, a Toronto environmental consulting firm, took water samples from the ditch adjacent to the course this spring. The consultants, Gartner Lee Ltd., found evidence of golf-course pesticides and phosphorus in the runoff water.

Jeff Davies said that, since the IDA's then-lawyer, Jane Pepino, wrote him last year that the development's impact on the resort site and the surrounding environment was an issue for the OMB, his client needed to obtain data on existing sources of pollution around the proposed resort, including the golf course.

Ms. Pepino, one of the province's most skilled development lawyers, acted for the resort's opponents until late May, when they shifted strategic gears by retaining prominent environmental activist and lawyer David Donnelly. His law partner, Tim Gilbert, will argue the case at the OMB.

In the five years, since the project was first proposed, development on the Lake Simcoe shore has become a political issue - a change that was underlined by Mr. Donnelly's hiring in late May.

Mr. Donnelly came to the IDA's attention through Environmental Defence Canada, a group with which Mr. Donnelly has long been associated and which spearheaded the environmental movement's efforts to create the protected areas of the Oak Ridges Moraine and the Greenbelt.

Environmental Defence, Ontario Nature and the Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition, a group in which Mr. Avery was an active member, came together under the banner Campaign Lake Simcoe to press for changes in the way development is managed around the lake.

For the campaigners, the Big Bay Point Resort was a perfect example of what the coalition's well-heeled supporters around the lake saw as inappropriate development.

A month ago, the campaign got a boost when Premier Dalton McGuinty went to a coalition meeting in Barrie to announce that, if his government is re-elected in October, it would introduce a Lake Simcoe Preservation Act.

A few weeks later, Opposition Leader John Tory weighed in with his Lake Simcoe plan, which includes a Lake Simcoe charter, a regional governance structure for the lake and increased funding for managing water and wastewater.

But the provincial politicians did not give the members of IDA what they wanted the most: an announcement that provincial power would be used to stop the resort. And Mr. McGuinty said that his proposed law would not apply to the project.

As the Premier noted, the resort had been approved by Innisfil Township and Simcoe County. But support for it goes further. Two other ratepayer groups in Innisfil Township have signed off on it, along with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, a Barrie environmental group called Living Green, the City of Barrie and the provincial Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

The next round in the battle over the Big Bay Point Resort will come at the OMB. As soon as the hearing begins, Mr. Gilbert plans to ask the OMB, on behalf of his clients - the only remaining appellants fighting the resort at the OMB - to adjourn the hearing on a number of grounds, including the province's plans to introduce the act.

To Mr. Rumm, this strategy is obvious: to delay the hearing long enough that, should Mr. McGuinty be re-elected this fall and introduce a Lake Simcoe protection act, the opponents of the resort can influence the preservation plan.


Nuts and bolts of Big Bay Point Resort

Designer: Andrés Duany, one of the founders of the new urbanism movement

Builder: Kimvar Enterprises Inc., a subsidiary of Geranium Corp. of Markham

Description: 569 acres, consisting of a 172-acre mixed-use marina village with 1,600 condo units, two hotels with 400 rooms, 80,000 square feet of retail and commercial space, a 1,000-slip marina and an 18-hole, 188-acre golf course

Also contains: a 209-acre nature reserve


Water quality dropping

Lake Simcoe has become the cause du jour for the Ontario environmental movement, now that Premier Dalton McGuinty's government has laid claim to being the most environmental friendly government in Ontario history.

Recent studies have shown that water quality in Lake Simcoe is declining under the pressure of growth and that phosphorus is the primary pollutant.

An average of 67.4 tonnes of phosphorus get into the lake each year, 23 tonnes of which come from the air during rainstorms, while the rest flows into the lake in groundwater and wastewater.

The target is to hold annual loads down to 75 tonnes, an increase of 11 per cent. But studies suggests that current growth plans for the municipalities around the lake will increase the amount of phosphorus reaching the lake by 25 per cent.

Environmentalists think the province must pass an act that would create a new governance structure around the lake, now ringed by a watershed of 13 towns or townships, two cities, two regional governments and a county, in order to better co-ordinate growth and the pressure on the lake.

James Rusk
This is just ONE of MANY "controversial" resorts or timeshares or condos going up in/around Muskoka, its just disgusting. I was there for the last 3 weeks at my cottage, and just driving around, its almost as bad as Toronto! new construction signs everywhere!

if anyone is familiar with the area, Cleveland's House (a sweet little old resort, thats been a staple in Muskoka for years) was recently bought, and is being torn down and redeveloped in a Marriot Hotel, complete with underground parking.

All of these gigantic developments are changing cottage country, and it seems that the OMB is very easily bought.
This is why I think the biggest flaw of the Greenbelt legislation is that it did not include southern Simcoe County and other such areas. I don't know if it would have helped here though.
Cleveland House is being torn town? That's so sad... I have many memories there, including almost drowning.
Apparently it can be quite enjoyable after the initial panic goes away, as an old school friend in England who almost drowned once told me.
Lake Simcoe's water quality has been deteriorating rapidly, but that's not surprising since the permanent population around the lake has at least quadrupled in the past 20 years. People would also dump all kinds of junk in the water while ice fishing, including cars (not on purpose). After the first time I remember algae causing a swimming ban, I don't think I ever went back in the water.

Many old cottages on the southern half of Lake Simcoe might explode in value soon as they become completely suburban and (in Georgina) as the 404 is extended.
Anyone else think that Ontario is underdeveloped in taking advantage of its great potential for resort tourism? For the number of lakes and miles and miles of shoreline we have in this province we could be known world-wide for being a resort playground.

I guess it's clear that the people of Ontario don't want that for their province, but I really do think that we should develop a proper plan for a development of the tourism industry up north where the economy could really use it. It could focus on the many areas that are beautiful but wouldn't bother the locals.
I guess it's clear that the people of Ontario don't want that for their province, but I really do think that we should develop a proper plan for a development of the tourism industry up north where the economy could really use it. It could focus on the many areas that are beautiful but wouldn't bother the locals.

First of all, the locals hate tourists, (example: Wakestock used to be in Bala, but the locals got furious with all of the traffic, and people, and lobbied to have it moved) and if you've been anywhere in Muskoka recently, its changing rapidly, you can't even get food in Port Carling anymore for less than 50$ for your ham-burger. MORE tourism would only aggravate the issue! More traffic, more destruction of the beauty on the lakes, there go the sunsets because... OOPS!, someone built a hotel. more highways, more traffic only the already busy water, and it pushes the locals out! the average price for a cottage in Muskoka is around $750,000 to FAR over a million! people who live in these peaceful pretty little towns, or have had family cottages for years are being FORCED out do to property taxes!

and who EVER said ontario was underdeveloped.
For a province where so much of it looks like Muskoka, it's surprising so little of it actually is Muskoka-like. Ontario's recreational tourism is underdeveloped... the problem is that the development that does exist is far too concentrated for what is a MASSIVE province. It's time to spread it around more.
For every million dollar cottage in Muskoka, there's a hundred $200,000 cottages elsewhere in the province. Many people buy a plot of land and build their own shack for a pittance.

For what it's worth, I think the recreation economy would receive more attention if Northern Ontario (Muskoka and on up, or wherever the boundary may be) was a separate province.
Hey, dont feel sorry... they are the ones leaving with millions of dollars thanks to the soaring property value.

Yes, but sometimes they don't want to leave, but have to. There's a difference.

I believe the project in question was in play before the Greenbelt legislation. Nevertheless, it does beg the question about what is to happen with the Lake Simcoe area in the future. There is a tremendous amount of really good farmland that could soon be sprouting no more than the latest faux McMansions. I know people are really concerned about a variety of environmental issues, but they ain't making new farmland anymore. Land use management ought to become a serious issue for southern Ontario.
CDL.TO: Love the new Avatar, and yes I agree with you, just having driven from Ottawa through to Muskoka via various central Ontario highways, we are quite underdeveloped. Not that I want to turn all of Ontario into Urbia or Suburbia, but it is surprising how hick so much of that area is. The Quebec resort towns and villages of the Eastern Townships (places like Magog, North Hatley) seem to be so much more coordinated in their approach to recreational promotion, and the places are more interesting for it.

Dane: There are exceptions though, namely around Muskoka's three big lakes, and yeah, things are going a bit overboard around their shoes and in some of the local towns and villages. One of the biggest reasons of course is their proximity to Toronto compared to the rest of central Ontario. Weekend transportation up the 400 (and nearby highways) and back is already a bit of a nightmare, but it's still closer than lobbby's distant eastern Kawartha location. My parents are near a Lake Huron beach town, and while the traffic (beyond where I get off the 401 in Halton Hills) is significantly easier to handle than the 400, it still takes longer to get there.

Hydrogen: The Big Bay Point project is outside the scope of the Greenbelt legislation because it is beyond the area being protected.

Weekend transportation up the 400 (and nearby highways) and back is already a bit of a nightmare, but it's still closer than lobbby's distant eastern Kawartha location.

Well, that just depends on where in the GTA you live...there's plenty of people in the east who can get to Peterborough or Lindsay quicker than they can get to the airport, let alone even halfway up to Barrie.
