And people argued with me in a previous post that Toronto is over its NYC fixation
It's not a Toronto fixation with New York. It's not a North York fixation with New York.

It's a marketing thing that happens all over the world. Developers have projects to sell, and they approach ad firms to find names that evoke that certain something. So we end up with projects with names that put people in mind of certain things, and those names come from all over the world. All over the freakin' world!

We get Gramercy Park because this one has a private park. We get Malibu because the units will have a water view. We get London on the Esplanade just because the ad firm couldn't think of anything else.

So what? Big deal! The names are all stupid, whether they are from other cities or not. X the Condo? Parade? That won't ever see a Parade. Pure Spirit? It's at the Distillery, but why would that make a new condo Pure Spirit-ish?

Gramercy Park will have a private park, but we all know that it will never ever look anything like Manhattan's Gramercy Park. It's just hokum - not a fixation - it's just advertising!

I remember a thread from a few months ago when someone was making fun of the proposed "Mona Lisa" condo in North York. Is it silly? Maybe, but not when it's flanked by "Monaco" and "Monet"...they're just names and lots of good building names are already taken.

All of the small walkup apartments from the ~60s - there's a million of them on Wilson or Victoria Park, for example - were given hilariously snooty names but a few decades later, they're not exactly prime real estate.

If it makes you guys feel better, the NY fixation in Britain is on a completely different level from anything in Canada. It doesn't show up in condo names, so much, but in general marketing in the UK is saturated with references to the big ol' apple, many of them hilariously inappropriate, inaccurate, or silly (eg the "New York-style salt beef" that all the delis in North London put on sandwiches).
I'm waiting for the Bowery Condos - featuring a more classic reference.
What other condo names? Hell's Kitchen? Flatbush? Flushing?

Throgs Neck?

It's a marketing thing that happens all over the world. All over the freakin' world!

Just like these unbearably happy people on their website.

Does anyone know what the building will actually look like? It's sure made these folks happy.



