There is absolutely no room anywhere near that area to put a walmart, let alone a stadium, hotel and mall.....
There is absolutely no room anywhere near that area to put a walmart, let alone a stadium, hotel and mall.....


How bout right here?

How bout right here?

IMO, the area the size of a highway on ramp is not enough space for an arena the size of the ACC. The rest of that area is Milne park and is a protected conservation area.

The portion to the south of the 407 is hydro fields and a fairly large transformer station
I used to live 3 minutes north of here and have family living there still.
I drive by here all the time.

Traffic is horrible here. Go North from 407 to Hwy 7 its one lane and goes downhill through the ravine and the area is a mixed demographic and I am not a fan of this at all--not for the enviromental issues--for I hate the area and this should not go through.

Markham has a fantasy of welcoming big business here, unrealistically. There's other potential sites in Markham aswell but wouldn't reccomend this at all.
with me living in Uxbridge, this would be awesome. instead of the 1 hour drive to a leafs game, it would be 20 minutes! the reason this is going here is that there would be penalty fees if the NHL were to set up shop in Hamilton, both to Toronto and buffalo. but if they set up shop in Markham, they would only have to pay the "too-close-to-the-other-team" penalty fee to Toronto.
I live just north of here!

a mixed demographic

Not sure what you meant by that...?

As mentioned above, I don't know where in the hell this could be built unless the hydro corridor could somehow be moved over. I think there would be room to build on the site pictured above if all the parking for everything was underground, but I can't imagine the town would approve it. Although, town council might be willing to do anything to get an NHL team if there is any truth to this whatsoever.

If this did get built, I would assume it would be at Kennedy and 407 (in Markham Centre) or maybe even Donald Cousens Parkway and 407. Markham Centre would be the only viable option in my opinion.
I actually live in the area...only thing that makes any semblance of sense is what low-bidder pointed out although there are obstacles already mentioned.

While I would personally LOVE being served in such a way, I cant see how this happens lol
From Twitter:

jamesmac44: update from @bill_watters on the #NHL sized arena for Markham. Another source confirms it'll be at HWY407 and Kennedy. NHL knows about it

If this is real, Markham Centre is the only location that would make sense. If GO added game night train service, this would actually be pretty accessible by transit for downtowners, especially as you could also get there via VIVA from Finch and Don Mills (if they add game night service to VIVA Green. Pink service could also be run on game nights).

Also, it's interesting that concillors are being told not to discuss this:

NHL in Markham?
Spokesperson insists radio report is 'old news'

No NHL franchise is looking to come to Markham, at least not officially.
Following a report yesterday from 640 News that a new 19,500-seat arena is heading to the Markham Road and Hwy. 407 area alongside a retail mall and hotel, a town spokesperson put a lid on talk that the NHL may house a franchise in Markham’s east end.
Dennis Flaherty, the town’s director of communications, called the news “kind of oldâ€.
He said Markham council has had discussions about building an NHL-size arena as far back as two years ago, mostly in relation to projects like the Canadian Sport Institute Ontario, the Commonwealth Games, the Pan Am Games and the Markham Live project.
All of the projects would be located in Markham Centre, by Hwy. 407 and Kennedy Road in Unionville.
Mr. Flaherty said there are no proposals of this kind in the Markham Road and Hwy. 407 area and called the 640 News report speculation.
“We have received no official proposal whatsoever in relation to a project of that nature,†he said. “If we had an announcement to make about this, trust me, I’ll not be able to hold the mayor back.â€
Mr. Flaherty said if an official proposal about an NHL franchise were to come forward, council would consider it based on its merits, like all applications.
Meanwhile, it appears a gag order has been put on councillors not to talk about the arena as reported by 640 News.
When reached by phone, both Deputy Mayor Jack Heath and Councillor Don Hamilton said they’ve been told they could not talk about it. Both said they were told to refer all calls relating to the matter to Mr. Flaherty.
The radio report suggested the area being considered in Markham is outside the 75 mile boundary of Buffalo, meaning the only team that would have to compensated for territorial infringement would be the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Talk of movement of struggling U.S.-based NHL franchises has been renewed in recent months with word the Atlanta team is set to relocate to Winnipeg.
I always wondered how these suburban venues could justify selling so much beer at the games. Clearly, everyone is driving to them. Maybe everyone is a designated driver! ;)
figures it would go to kennedy and 407 if possible...markham and 407 too good to be true (for me anyways)

I cant see how Markham could possibly get a team before Winnipeg but who am I to complain lol
at least this is going into the only toronto suburb that is willing to follow urban design. the arena going here is far better than it going, say... Mississauga.
