Senior Member
Since that cement cube wasn't in any of the original rendering of the plaza,.... I asked one of the construction guys that same question about a month ago,... he said its for a TTC sign. That's a pretty big TTC sign!
If you recall, since the Sheppard Stubway line opened around 2001, there was a cement bunker emergency exit at that plaza along Sheppard (see attached images from Cruzin4u page 39 post# 582 and NYk_Drne page 40 post# 593),... one end closer to Yonge & Sheppard corner had an antique finished ATM and camp-fire artwork along with stone signage saying "Bonnington Corner". That "Bonnington Corner" stone signage is still around the site at the plaza so I'm guessing they plan on remounting it somewhere at the plaza,.... likely on that stone cube you mentioned. In addition, the original camp-fire artwork was removed by the city foedr safety reason since it was originally placed on ground level but when covered by snow became a tripping hazard and liability,.... I'm guessing that'll be placed on top of the stone cube you're asking about.
Attached are rendering of the square - none of which shows that mysterious cube:
- Original rendering had huge open space with weird circular spiral designs which became lights - not going to happen - original rendering also had huge TV screen but local councillor didn't want a Yonge-Dundas Square here
- Most recent rendering released just before they started construction - some striped green space with sitting areas, flower beds, water fountains, etc,... Construction so far resembles this rendering except,... the rendering has no cube. The cube is place right at the west end of that pink flower bed and water fountain structure.