This really says everything about the city's priorities, doesn't it?

It was the same thing with Bazis' Emerald Park project in North York. The wide sidewalks were meant to be metropolitan in scale to accommodate the needs of a high-density neighbourhood. Yet every day, people would park on the sidewalk until the building management cracked down on it. I never saw a single person with a ticket, despite the fact that parking enforcement would always ticket people parking on the road illegally at rush hour.
^^^ I've got to disagree. I find the finishing details awkward, unresolved and sloppy -- feeble, inconsistent "cornices" at the different rooflines; scattered spandrel panels; a flat, unbroken "wall" along Yonge St with anemic arches and nonsensical keystones...

I hope they install awnings of some sort above the retail units to add a bit of articulation to the overly-flat Yonge St elevation.
The more I see this building, the more I disapprove of the grade level. Everything from the second storey and above, I'm generally fine with it. But the pedestrian experience just feels bland and lacking in engaging urban context.
This is no way to "intensify the Avenues." An unarticulated, undifferentiated, block-long wall of mediocrity? Don't think so. At least put awnings on that thing, under the "arches."
