Seven months after the hearing and still no decision (in favour of the developer)? Beyond pathetic.

They like to take their time sometimes. I've seen 12 months.
Any analysis whether the decisions that have taken obnoxiously long to be made have smelled more? This one doesn't seem that complicated to me, and the lethargic pace at which it is being resolved has me suspicious of the reasons why.

PL140985 had a decision issued October 17th 2016 for a hearing that took place November 7th, 2015. It's the longest I know about, for a semi-detached infill development in Uxbridge. It is a 36 page decision, so not small, but ultimately only for a 27 unit semi-detached infill subdivision.
You can't build townhouses on a major road a stone's throw away from subway? Yet we see ridiculous density getting built in transit deserts. So much for Keesmat's 'missing middle' and 'transit oriented development' fluff on twitter.
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Wow...that is scandalous. One of the stranger decisions I have ever read.
A single row of Townhome units and a semi or detached home on Weybourne is technically permitted as-of-right in the ZBL. Decision doesn't even mention that. Smells really fishy to me.
"The Board also does not agree with the Appellant’s submission (and Mr. Smith’s opinion) that because of perceived deficiencies in the OP and the fact that the City has not adequately re-evaluated its designated intensification areas to encompass radius zones around major transit stations the Appellant is entitled to “initiate” intensification on a site-specific basis in a Neighbourhoods designation to correct these shortcomings."

Fascinating decision.
The atrophying yellow belt is inviolate, apparently.

